Teasing Thief

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A/N/:It's not much but it's honest work

The halls were quiet in comparison to the living room, where Tony hosted the weekly game night.
Tiptoeing past every member's room, you reached the end of the hall and made sure that you were alone before you opened the door.
You sneaked into the room and immediately got to work.
A quick in and out, that's it.
Opening the closet doors, you moved the shirts to the side to get access to the hoodies.
If only you had closed the door, the owner of said hoodies wouldn't be standing behind you now and watch you search through his closet for the most comfortable clothes he owned.

"Found what you're looking for?" Bucky cleared his throat and leaned against the doorframe with his arms crossed in front of his chest and a smirk playing on his face.

You spun around, the hoodie dropping from your hands and a terrified expression on your face.

"This is not what it looks like." You said, raising your hands. "I swear!"

"So you're the reason all of my clothes disappeared. Honestly, I thought it was Nat." He chuckled darkly and closed in on you.

He closed the closet doors and you backed away from him with an innocent smile, unsure if Bucky was mad or not.

"Listen, your stuff is super comfy and soft and smells amazing and I like my clothes a little oversized." You admitted.

"You like how I smell?" Bucky asked and backed you up until your back hit the closet door. "That's not the only thing though, is it?"

"What do you mean?" You were confused.

"Oh doll you're just precious you know that? Absolutely precious!" Bucky moved a strand of hair behind your ear. "We have paper thin walls, you really think I can't hear what you're doing in your room?"

Slowly it dawned to you what he meant and you started blushing.
He was not meant to find out about your sexual fantasies about him.
But in all honesty can you blame yourself?
You had a thing for tall men with muscles and Bucky gave off a mysterious vibe that kept you curious and made you want to get to know him closer.
In your eyes, he was the total package and you wanted it, needed it.

"You think I can't hear you moaning my name when you touch yourself at night? You're robbing me of essential hours of sleep with your little obsession with me. And I can't have that, doll." Bucky whispered in your ear and fully leaned against you with his entire body weight.

"You like exposing me?" You sneered, a little sour that he was toying with you like this.

"I'd love to have you all exposed and under me but I wouldn't want to force you to anything." He said and started placing kisses down your neck.

You arched your back as much as you could when you felt both of his hands kneading your ass.
Wrapping your hands around his neck, he broke away from your neck and shook his head at you, smiling.

"Being the little thief you are, I should punish you right here and now but I kinda like seeing you in my clothes so you're off the hook now."

With that, the pressure of his body on you was gone and you sighed disappointedly.
He chuckled and winked at you before he walked out.

"Looking forward to hearing you tonight."

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