Not him

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Bucky sat on the ground of his cell and played with a small stone, scratching stick figures on the cold stone ground.
Taking over Azzano was supposed to be easy.
Only a few soldiers were reported to be in the base but once Bucky and the 107th arrived, they were ambushed right outside the gates and locked up.
It's been two weeks and the strenuous work was starting to become too much for Bucky but he couldn't show weakness.
As Sergeant, he held a responsibility over his squad and had to be one to look up to for them.

The soldiers had just returned to their cells when the door opened and two soldiers pulled Bucky off the ground and dragged him out.
He turned around to his cell mates who saluted him one last time, knowing he wouldn't return from where they were bringing him.
No one returned from the medical wing.
What went on over there was just as much of a mystery as how long they were going to be locked up here.

Bucky was pushed down a long hallway and peeked into the rooms he passed but was quick to look away when he saw what was inside.
All the guys who had been led to the the medical bay, laid piled up in the cells as if they were trash, waiting to be removed.
Bucky gulped, knowing he'd be the next to land on such a pile.
The double doors swung open and Bucky was guided into an operating hall, a large chair replacing the table, no windows and heavy bricks serving as a wall.

In the back stood three people.
A man and a woman in a doctor's coat and another soldier.
Her hands were tied together and the guard had his gun aimed at her while the man wore a grin and had his hands stuffed into the pockets.
Bucky knew Dr. Zola, he supervised the soldiers while they worked and did the medical exams.
She had her head down and tried to pull out of the rope but failed.

"Sergeant Barnes. You're one lucky son of a gun, you know that? You have the perfect conditions to become our counter attack to the American!" Dr. Zola cheered.

Bucky had yet to find out that his best friend Steve joined the army and became the embodiment of the American dream.
The other two guards left the room and closed the door behind them, the sound echoing through the room.

"I will leave you in Miss y/l/n's care. She is very skilled in her profession." A sick smile spread on Zola's face.

"Torturing innocent men is not my profession." She spoke up and finally lifted her head.

"I'm tired of you, forcing me to strap these men into that stupid chair and watch how you fry their minds." She said. "I'm a scientist, not a killer!"

"Miss y/l/n, I am sorry to remind you that you lost your ability to make any choices when you entered the base." Zola said sarcastically.

"You mean when you kidnapped me?" She yelled and didn't care about the gun being pointed at her back.

"Miss y/l/n unless you want to meet up with Herrn Schmidt again, I suggest you follow my orders."

At the mention of the monster who ran this facility she cowered down a bit and took a small step back.
Her attitude quickly faltered and was replaced by what looked like fear.
Bucky still stood in front of the door and didn't move, even when the doctor and the guard walked past him, the door closing behind him once again.

"You're from the states?" Bucky asked while she paced up and down the room, running her hands through her in a frustrated manner.

"I'm from Brooklyn. Those bastards knocked me out and brought me here when I was on the way to meet Howard Stark." She said before slamming her hand against the wall.

"It's okay. I don't want them to hurt you so what you gotta do." Bucky shrugged sadly at his impending end.

"I'd rather let them kill me before I strap another man down to that thing." She nodded over to the chair and shuddered slightly, thinking about what she had to do.

"They'll do worse things to you than kill you if you don't do your job. Believe me, I know what happens when you don't follow orders." Bucky chuckled dryly, remembering the pain he went through.

It was his second day and naturally, he wasn't going to do anything someone who just threw him into a cell, told him to.
So they took him to the lower levels of the base and tied him up to the wall.
He didn't know with what they beat him but it sent electronic shocks through him, making him tense up in pain.
He was beaten bloody and barely awake when they made him promise to never disobey an order again.
It took him the entire first week to recover from the torture.

"If I won't survive this anyway, there's not much for you to worry about. I don't want them to hurt you any more so just get it over with." Bucky took a few steps until he stood right in front of her.

"That's not what I'm worried about." She looked down at her feet. "If you do survive, they will repeat the procedure over and over again, until there's nothing left of yourself and they can form you into whatever they want you to be."

"At least I'll get to see your pretty face again." He winked at her, reassuring her with a soft squeeze of her hand.

"You're a good man. I don't want to kill you." She whispered and Bucky made her look up at him with his finger under her chin.

"I'd rather have a Brooklyn girl kill me than die because I didn't melt the bullets fast enough." Bucky said and she took a deep breath.

She looked at him again, making sure he meant what he said and turned around to a panel.
Flipping the switch, a loud buzzing sound echoed through the room and the machine over the chair powered up.
Bucky swallowed past the lump in his throat but put up a brave smile when she looked at him again.
He sat down and she closed the restraints around his arms.

"The shocks will make you thrash around so I have to put these on you." She explained.

"Sounds reasonable." Bucky tried to shrug but couldn't.

He watched her walk over to a table and pick up a plastic mouthpiece before she returned and sat down next to him.
She toyed with it a while until Bucky cleared his throat, turning her attention to him.
He quirked his eyebrows up, waiting for her to continue.

"You'll need the mouthpiece because you might shatter your teeth when the shock waves pulse through you." She said while looking at the black plastic.

"You want me to say 'aaah'?" He asked jokingly.

"Please don't." She giggled softly and stopped before putting the mouth guard between his teeth.

Bucky watched her intently and saw that she was shivering.
In the short moment she got to know Bucky, she grew to like him.
He seemed genuinely calm although he was most likely going to die in the next minute.

"You're even prettier up close. I'm not sure if they took you for scientific purposes." Bucky smirked, making her smile.

"You're from Brooklyn too, aren't you?" She asked to which he nodded.

"Born and raised."

She grabbed ahold of his left hand and gave it a little squeeze before standing up and walking back over to the panel.
Pressing a few buttons, the contraption moved downwards and a headpiece encased Bucky's head.
He gave her one last reassuring smile which faded when he saw a tear had escaped her eye.

"I'm so sorry, Sergeant Barnes." She said.

"Call me Bucky." He answered, muffled by the mouthpiece.

She smiled sadly before pushing the last button, causing the electricity to turn on.
Bucky's agonizing screams echoed through the room and she lost control over the flow of her tears and slumped down the wall.
She didn't have the heart to cover her ears although his pain filled screaming filled her with guilt and remorse.
Turning the electricity back off, she watched his chest heave up and down until it returned to a normal rhythm.

She rushed over to him, pulling the restraints off but was stopped when a guard grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the room.

"Bucky!" She shouted and horror spread within her when he turned his head towards her.

"No. Not him." You muttered.

Over and over again.

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