A/N - I'm in pain. Again.

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Trigger Warning for those who can't deal with some foul language because I need to vent.

I twisted my ankle again.
This is the fourth time in my one fucking year and the third time that it's my right ankle.
I don't fucking know what it is with my fucking ankles but every time I trip in practice or I get guarded with contact I tear my goddamn ligaments and it hurts like a motherfucker. 

That also means I have to walk on crutches again and there's nothing I hate more in this world than walking on fucking crutches.
My regular season is already over and we've been eliminated from playoffs in the first round and I had the chance to play for the senior women for the rest of their regular season but now that's out the window as well and I'm fucking livid right now.

As of right now my fucking toes are numb probably because of the swelling but what the hell????
I can't feel my fucking toes????
On top of that, my finals are probably delayed because our school will most likely be closed down because of the whole corona virus thing.
I'm hella stressed because of my biology exam this Friday and math next week and boooooooooooooy
I'm almost hoping for our grade to be "quarantined" next week so I don't have to take these stupid exams.

In our case quarantined only means we are "acquitted" from school for two weeks.

Anyway I'm pissed, I'm stressed and I'm in so much pain so we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Keep calm and wash your hands y'all ❤️❤️❤️

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