I am just a kid #2 - Request

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Pain coursed through every part of your body

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Pain coursed through every part of your body.

"I'm begging you, I'll do anything just please don't kill me!" You begged as they strapped you down on the metal table.

"You're not to be killed, little girl. You'll be our new asset. The serum has been perfected and you'll tear these pathetic Avengers apart from the inside." One man said with a grim smirk.

The needle entered your skin and a scream tore through your throat as your veins seemed to be set on fire while freezing solid at the same time.
Your own screams and the sadistic laughter of the scientists echoed through your mind and you could not only feel consciousness slip away, your sanity too.

Bucky woke up to the feeling of his bed shaking violently and he shot upwards when he saw most of his furniture not on the floor but hovering several inches above it.
He turned to his side where you were still fast asleep but writhing around with a pained and scared expression etched onto your face.
Just when he reached to shake you out of your night terrors, you shot upwards into a sitting position, chest heaving with the adrenaline rushing through your veins that the fear of the experiments had started.
Without noticing Bucky's worried eyes on you, you got up and rushed out of the room and into the dark hallway.
You ran and ran, your eyes trained on your feet, bouncing against the tile floor until you bumped into something and stumbled down to the floor.
Looking up, you were met with an apologetic smile of a man who truly towered over you, his blond trimmed hair a mess, probably from turning in his bed.

"I'm sorry, [y/n]. I didn't see you. Can I help you somehow?" He reached down to help you to your feet but you crawled backwards, away from him until your back made contact with the wall.

You hugged your knees and started rocking back and forth, closing your eyes in hope he would disappear if you would ignore him.
What if he was here to bring you back to the facility, to experiment on you more until you would eventually fall apart?
You heard another pair of footsteps come in your direction but you were too scared to see who it was.
Feeling the tears stream down your face you cried, fear completely paralyzing you and hoping, praying that they weren't going to hurt you.
A pair of arms wrapped around you, one colder than the other and you finally looked up to see Bucky with a worried expression and slung your arms around him.

The man still stood there with a guilted look on his face but Bucky signed to him that everything was fine and picked you up.
Bucky's hug gave you a feeling of safety and you started to calm down, your breathing falling into a more relaxed rhythm and the tears started to dry.
You were still shaking and you noticed Bucky starting to walk somewhere as he carried you and the other man followed.

"Vision, you think you could put on some tea for her?" Bucky asked quietly and you missed the man nodding and heading to the kitchen.

Bucky sat down on the couch and put you next to him, where you immediately leaned into Bucky's side, the cold metal of the arm not bothering you at all.
One of his hands was in your hair which soothed you greatly and he was talking to you in a hushed tone.

"No one in this compound wants to hurt you. You're safe here."

You stayed quiet, your eyes trained on the forest that served as a border to keep civilians away from the compound.

"I have nightmares too. It's them, turning me into this killing machine or all the innocent people who lost their lives because of me but I know that they won't ever get to me as long as I'm here." He whispered. "I'll make sure they won't get their hands on you, I swear."

A cup of tea appeared in your vision and you looked up at the man you ran into a few moments ago and reached out to take it from him.
Your hands were shaking wildly and you forced a small smile on your face before clutching the mug in your hands to stop the shaking.
He sat down on the opposing couch, far away from you and you cautiously took a sip, the taste of chamomile soothing your throat.

"It usually helps me to talk about my nightmares afterwards. Do you want to talk about it?" Bucky asked you and felt you shake your head against his side.

He accepted your answer and pulled you in a little tighter while he broke into a conversation with the man, you heard was called Vision.
At first you listened to them talk about anything, what went on in their last week and things like that but soon your eyes felt heavy and you slowly drifted asleep.
Bucky noticed and picked you up bridal style before saying goodnight to Vision and bringing you back to his room where you curled into his side as soon as he laid down next to you.
Bucky smiled, the fact that you felt safe with him and him only made him feel good about himself and he too fell asleep, knowing that you were safe with him and would always be safe with him.

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