Mission Impossible

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"Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to infiltrate the Avengers and retrieve any and all information they possess on Agent Ethan Hunt. You will act undercover as Mr. Tony Stark's personal assistant. Should you be caught or killed, the secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions." The automatic voice said. "This message will self destruct in five seconds."

"Mission accepted." She smirked.


"Gina! Where are we on the invites for tonight?" Mr. Stark yelled as soon as he heard my heels bang against the floor of his lab.

"Invitations have been sent out yesterday, no one canceled so we'll be expecting a full house tonight." I said proudly.

"Thanks, you're a lifesaver." Tony dismissed, continuing his work on one of his many suits.

"Of course, Mr. Stark." I nodded and left.

On my out, I crossed paths with Bucky and I knew there was no way I'd get back to my office without another attempt at a date from him.
You want what you can't have applied to James Buchanan Barnes more than to any other man I've met before.
He was relentless when it came to flirting and you'd never guess he's a traumatized victim-made-villain with a shit ton of PTSD with the self esteem he has.

"James." I greeted him with a smile.

"Gigi." He smirked. "I'm seeing you tonight, I hope?"

His path to the lab made a u-turn and he was walking besides me now, eyes burning into the side of my head and occasionally slipping down my blouse.

"Well I am supervising that everything is going according to Mr. Stark's wishes so seeing me is not impossible, no." I played dumb.

"C'mon sugar! You are allowed to catch a break too." Bucky slung his right arm over my shoulders. "I still think Stark is overworking you anyway. You're his assistant not his slave."

"With the pay I'm getting, he's allowed to keep me here after hours,"

We reached my office and stopped in front of the heavy wooden door and Bucky's hand dropped from my shoulder to my waist and he was subtly pulling me closer.
He was leaning in, his movements almost slow enough to stay undetected but I caught him by surprise when I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down so my lips were brushing the shell of his ear.

"if you know what I mean."

Pressing my lips to his cheek and patting the lipstick stain that stayed behind, I closed the doors to my office.
The party was going to be exhausting, mainly because I had to avoid Bucky at any cost.
I had a mission to finish.


"Melissa, will you be fine on your own for a few minutes? I have to make a few phone calls." I asked.

"Yeah sure. Everything's been going smoothly so far anyway, get a drink and I'll hold down the fort." She waved me off.

"Thanks you're the best!"

I weaved through the dancing crowd, dodging waiters with champagne trays and I almost reached the door when a very cold metal arm snakes around my waist and I collided with the owner's chest.
Of course he had to wear an all black suit, of course he had to wear his hair all slicked back apart from that one strand that hung in his face.
How was I supposed to avoid all that?

"Gina, darling. You're not actually going off to work more, are you?" Bucky asked, feigning hurt and pulled me away from the door, making me whine internally.

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