Cold as ice

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You were perched into a hole in the ground next to Steve, the machine gun heavy in your hands.
This was the second HYDRA base you had to take down this week and you were slowly growing tired of doing the same thing over and over again.
Only difference this time was that sneaking in wasn't an option since there were at least twenty guards posted outside the base.

Steve covered the both of you with his shield as bullets and the occasional grenade flew over your head.
Bucky was somewhere near to you, protecting himself with his metal arm.

"They have to be out of bullets at some point. We just have to wait." You said over the clanging sound of them hitting against the vibranium of the shield.

"How long do you think that is?" Bucky yelled, occasionally taking out a guard with a well aimed shot before he cowered behind the trunk of a tree again.

On cue, there was a sudden silence, indicating that the guards were reloading.
Next thing you knew, you were surrounded by dead or severely wounded HYDRA agents while you bypassed the security system from the base.
Bucky and Steve stood next to you, guarding you and making sure none of the agents would get any ideas and shoot you.

"I'm in!" You exclaimed as the heavy metal door moved aside and you were met with an empty hallway, illuminated by red flickering light and the sound of a wailing siren.

"Alright, Bucky. You and I go find the office and get our hands on everything we can find. Steve, I want you to look for any sort of laboratory and take everything that looks remotely weird. Rendezvous 15 minutes!" You ordered and parted ways.

Bucky walked next to you with his gun up and looked extremely tense.
You decided it was a good idea to take his mind off of things.

"Did you ever go to a cheesecake factory ever since you're with us?" It was the first thing that came to your mind.

"Now, y/n? Now you want to talk about cheesecake?" He kept turning to make sure you weren't being followed.

"Why not? We're alone and ther-"

Bucky cut you off by shooting two guards that came around the corner.
You stopped next to them, admiring the bullet wound in between both of their eyes.

"You always go for the head, don't you?" You asked with a small smile.

"I've been in enough situations where I wished I had aimed for the head. You don't necessarily die with a shot to your stomach but a bullet in your head is a guarantee you don't muster up some strength to set off a bomb or pull a trigger one last time." He explained, a sad glint in his eyes before he continued his way down the hallway.

"I'll remember that."

You followed him until you came across a wooden door which lead into the office.
You kicked in the door and immediately shot the man that sat behind the desk.
Bucky pursed his lips in admiration when he saw that you had managed to shoot right through the man's left eye.

"I got good aim, I know." You smirked.

"Your aim sucks." He replied with an equally cocky smirk.

"You suck." You put the gun in the holster on your back and pushed the corpse out of the chair and got to work.

Downloading every file you stumbled upon, you ordered Bucky to guard the door.
You heard Bucky occasionally shoot someone but paid him no mind as you were focused on saving the files in front of you.
You found some test reports but they were in Russian, which you weren't really fluent in.

"Bucky, I need a hand here." You said, your gaze fixed on the screen as you tried to decipher the report with the few words you knew.


You flinched when something landed on the desk with a loud thud.
Looking over the screen, you saw that Bucky threw you his metal arm.
Tony had made him a new one since the old one was too much of a reminder of Bucky's time with HYDRA.
For whatever reason, the new arm was detachable which lead to lots of pranks being played on Bucky, mostly involving him, waking up from a nap with only one arm.
You stared at him with a glare that indicated you weren't in the mood for any jokes but Bucky returned that look with a proud smile.

"What? You said you needed a hand?" He shrugged.

Taking out the last agent that tried to take you out, he came over to the desk and started translating.

"Serum X not compatible with subject #7. Death by internal bleeding, 8 hours after injection." He said.

"Serum X? I thought they were trying to replicate Steve's?" You wondered out loud.

"Let's hope Steve found a sample of that stuff." Buck reattached his arm and you pulled out the flash drive.

"Let's get that punk before he hurts himself." You pulled the stick of a grenade and placed in on the desk before you and Bucky quickly left the office.
On your way back, you ran into Steve who was bleeding out of his shoulder.

"Steve, what hap-" You asked but he cut you off, pulling both of you down the hallway.

"We have to go. Now!" He ordered.

"What's wrong?" Bucky was confused about Steve's frantic behaviour.

"How much C4 is too much?" The question answered itself as you followed the two super soldiers who were significantly faster than you.

Bucky saw how you struggled to keep up with them and it got worse when a HYDRA agent who was lying on the floor shot you, causing you to trip.
He stopped and grabbed your hand, pulling you with him until you reached the exit of the base.
You reached your former position in the hole just in time the entire base blew up and your surroundings caught fire.

Just now you realised Bucky still held your hand but you didn't mind.
You were applying pressure on your stomach with your other hand and started feeling tired due to the blood you were losing.
Steve was pacing around between the trees sending coordinates to Natasha to pick you up and told her to hurry up since you were losing a lot of blood.
Bucky hadn't seen where the guard shot you and he still didn't let go of your hand until you slightly pulled at it.

"I need that hand." You croaked out and Bucky immediately started panicking when he saw the bloodstain on your suit.

"For fuck's sake, y/n! Why didn't you say anything! I though he shot your arm!" He pressed down on your stomach which caused you to wince and groan in pain.

"I thought you don't necessarily die from a shot to your stomach." Your voice was low and your bottom lip was quivering. "Guess, I was wrong."

You managed to form a smile while Bucky frantically tried to stop the bleeding.
Steve had sat down next to you, a hand in your hair since he knew that always calmed you down.

"Bucky?" He was fixed on stopping you from bleeding out and so didn't hear you.

He finally turned his attention to you when you lifted a bloody hand to his face and make him face you.
Tears were pricking at his eyes and he didn't want you to see him in this state.
Weak, vulnerable and desperate.
Desperate to keep you alive.

"It's okay, Bucky. It's okay." You stroked his cheek with a bloody thumb as tears were now staining your cheeks too.

Your hand dropped from his face as you took your last breath.
Steve had turned away from the scene.
He had to watch too many of his friends go and he couldn't watch you either.
Bucky was still holding your hand although it was cold.
Like ice.

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