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Your own pulse hammered in your ear as you turned around each corner, your gun locked and loaded and you were ready to take out anyone.
The hall of mirrors worked its magic and you were lost, your reflections staring back at you while you listened for any impending threats.
Ignoring the screams and groans of the dying and dead, your eyes landed on the reflection of footsteps and you turned around in time to pull the trigger before your attacker could and he fell to the floor.

"Goddamn it, [Y/n]!" Clint exclaimed, rubbing his chest over the vest he wore.

"You can't sneak up on me, Clint." You smirked and walked past him, ready to end this war.

Meanwhile not too far from your position, Natasha's cover had been blown and she had been disarmed, now staring down the barrel of Bucky's gun.
Steve and Bucky worked together and even though Nat was both stealthy and strong, she stood no chance against two super soldiers.

"Tell me where [Y/n] is and I won't shoot you in the face." He threatened and she only smiled at him before pulling the visor down.

"Snitches end up in ditches, Barnes." She shrugged. "You'll never beat her, she's the queen."

"It's time for a new king, then." Bucky said coldly before pulling the trigger.

The red paint splattered over Nat's helmet looked like blood and she felt like she'd just been shot in the head.
Those eliminated still had to find their way out of the war zone and safe conduct wasn't promised, meaning they could well be shot again.
You and Tony had witnessed Natasha's gruesome murder and you promised yourself that you would take The Winter Soldier out, after you humiliated him like he did you the last time the team had visited the paintball arena.

"So," Tony whispered. "How do we beat Barnes and Nobles?"

"If I counted right, Bucky only has two shots left before he has to somehow get past Rhodey to refill." You explained in a hushed tone. "We can corner him there after Rhodes cost him another shot."

"You want to sacrifice my best friend?" Tony whisper-yelled.

"I ignored our destiny once, I cannot do that again. Even for him." You said. "I'm sorry, little one."

Tony rolled his eyes at your dramatic acting and swatted your hand from his cheek before he peeked over the cardboard boxes you were hidden behind to check the situation.

"Frosty's gone and Cap is all alone with his back turned to us." Tony said with a smile.

"Let's get this son of a bitch."

Both of you left your cover and before Steve could even take a shot, he was covered in blue and yellow paint.
He wasn't pleased to live out the same fate, Natasha had to, to be attacked from behind while he was all alone.

"You're out, Rogers. I wish you a colorful journey." You smiled and he stuck his tongue out at you before turning to leave, earning himself another shot to the back.

"Ouch, [Y/n]! That hurts!" He exclaimed.

"Respect your queen and you won't get shot." You shrugged.

You and Tony waved to him before started the search for Bucky, the final showdown from which only one of you would emerge as a winner.
Visiting the paintball arena had become a fun habit for the team, you still get the thrill of being on a mission but no one dies.
On your search, Rhodey crossed your path, a green splotch of paint covering his chest.

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