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"And who do you think you are to walk out on me?" Your boyfriend Andy yelled at you while you quickly walked out of the bedroom. 

"You made your point! I don't deserve you and you're only dating me because of my ass! I'm going out!" You didn't turn around so he wouldn't see the tears staining your cheeks because you knew he would punish you for crying around him. 

Suddenly, a strong grip on your upper arm turned you around and Andy pushed you into the wall, his hand around your throat. 

"When I talk to you, you look at me. Do you understand?" You were gasping for air as you nodded in hope he would let you go. 

He did but finished the argument with a strong blow to your right cheek. 
Pushing him off of you, you hastily grabbed your coat and keys and stormed out of your apartment. 
Aimlessly wandering through the streets, you soon ran out of tears to shed over your once amazing relationship with Andy. 

You didn't know anymore when it all turned to shit but you did know that he wouldn't let you leave. 
The two of you have been dating for a year and you missed how it used to be in the beginning. 
Him coming home to you with a small bouquet of roses, dinner and movie nights and showing each other off to your friends. 

Your friends, also known as the Avengers, didn't like him too much. 
They somehow knew there was something going on behind this facade of love and happiness. 
Tonight he accused you of cheating on him with one of them. 

Bucky, to be more specific. 

Andy always feared you would leave him for the metal-armed super soldier and you thought that that was the abusive turning point of your relationship. 
You walked down the stairs to your favourite bar, the MacLaren's and took a seat at the counter. 
Carl, the owner and your friend came over immediately with a worried look on his face. 

"And what the hell happened to you? Did you get jumped?" He asked, his hand already on the phone to call an ambulance. 

"Yeah, it's nothing though. I still got all my stuff and it doesn't hurt that much." You lied. 

"Are you sure? Did you call Andy?" He pressed and ice cube to your slightly swollen cheek and you winced. 

"He's out of town. Carl I'm fine! Just get me some Tequila and keep it coming." you sighed, pushing his hand away. 

He did as he was told and soon you were in no state to go anywhere anymore. 
Carl noticed and had called your most recent contact, which to your luck was Bucky. 
Not long after he called, Bucky came in through the door, his eyes frantically searching for you. 
When they finally landed on your slumped form at the counter, he picked you up without a word and carried you outside to place you in the passenger seat of his car. 
You didn't even realise that Bucky had picked you up until you reached his apartment door. 

"B-bucky, I can't be here! Andy's going t-to lose it when he finds out I'm here!" You slurred. 

"Y/n you're drunk and got jumped! You're staying with me tonight." He kicked the door open, still carrying you and put you down on his bathroom sink. 

"I'm fine, Buck! Can you please take me home?" Your question came out as a whisper which Bucky ignored. 

You didn't want to go home. Not really. 
You knew what awaited you there and if you could form coherent sentences, you'd thank Bucky for taking you to his place. 

"Y/n what happened? You have handprints on your throat!" Bucky cleaned the cut on your jaw and gave you an icepack to lessen the swelling. 

"I got jumped, I thought C-Carl told you?" You hopped off the counter and almost tripped but luckily Bucky caught you and led you into his bedroom. 

"You said Andy would lose it if he knew you were here. Why?" Bucky was going to interrogate you and you knew that it would slip out of you but you tried to draw it out as much as possible. 

"It's n-nothing really." You shrugged off your coat and pulled your shirt over your head. 

"Did he do this you?" Bucky was smarter than one would assume and you had to confess this now. 

You kept quiet but for Bucky this was answer enough. 

"How long?" turned turned you around and cupped your face as the tears had stained your cheeks once again this night. 

He pulled you into a tight hug and you let out a loud sob you've been holding back the entire time. 
He drew small circles on your back and stroked your hair while you just let free all the pent up emotions of tonight. 
You sat down on his bed, your vision becoming blurry and it felt as if the room had begun spinning. 
Bucky helped you out of your jeans and into one of his shirts which was way too big for you and you curled yourself into a little ball, hugging one of his pillows. 

Mere seconds after you broke down on his bed, he was next to you and pulled you into his chest once again, draping his right arm over your shivering form. 

"I'm going over there tomorrow. He's not going to come near you ever again, I'll make sure he knows that."

Although you knew that Bucky planned on putting your now ex-boyfriend through immense pain,  you let out a content sigh and turned around to face him. 
You still couldn't see clearly but in the dark you could make out the blue of is eyes which had a promising look to them. 
Snuggling up closer to him, you soon fell asleep, ignoring the fact you'd be in a lot of pain tomorrow considering you'd have a massive hangover and the bruise on your face was still there. 
You fell asleep in the arms of your savior and it was the fist night after a long time you slept peacefully and with a man next to you, you actually loved. 

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