The usual

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You were walking home from work when you passed the alleyway and noticed someone sitting there.
Usually you'd keep your eyes down and walk on home but the way he was sitting there, his head down and his shoulders slouched, caused the good girl in you to walk up to him.
You knelt down next to him and carefully placed a hand on his shoulder, hoping not to startle him.

"Are you okay? Do you need help?" Just now you noticed the shoulder you were caressing was a little firmer and once you moved back a bit you realized the silver metal glistening in the moonlight.

"Get away from me." His voice was strained and barely audible but there was something about him that made you stay.

"No. Clearly something happened to you and I think you need someone's help. Do you have anywhere to go? Anyone?" He kept moving away from you but you weren't going to leave until you knew he was okay.

His blue eyes pierced into yours when he finally looked at you and your eyes widened once you saw him covered in blood.
It was coming from a gash on his forehead and there were streaks of dried blood coming from his nose and you saw his left hand clutch his side which seemed to be bleeding heavily.

"I got nowhere to go. Leave before they get you too." He groaned as he tried to stand up but failed.

You were quick to support him and hooked your arm under his shoulders which made him lean in to you with his full body weight once you got off the ground.
He was a lot taller and also a lot heavier than you, so getting him back to your bar was going to be a challenge.

"Steady there, I got you. I got a place for you to go." You started limping out of the alley but he seemed rather reluctant to leave.

"You have to go! They're going to come after me." He groaned and collapsed against the brick wall.

"I own a bar down the street. I bet I'm right when I think you don't want to go to a hospital because of them. You're hurt and I won't leave you bleeding out in a dirty alleyway." You said and wrapped his arm around your shoulders again. "Let's get moving."

He limped beside you and the usual five minute walk to your bar from this point took a lot longer than usual.
Once you opened the door and got inside, he dropped down into the booth nearest to the door with a loud grunt and you looked at him while locking the door again.
He had his eyes closed as he was either in immense pain or just tired and drained due to the blood loss.
You hurried behind the bar where you had kept a first aid kit in case of a bar fight.

Sitting down next to him, he immediately moved away from you with an apologetic look.

"Okay, listen. I can't help you if you won't let me get a little close. I don't want you to bleed out here either so be a good boy and take your shirt off so I can stitch that up!" You were growing tired of his defensiveness, considering you could be home by now.

You held up the disinfectant with an expecting look and waited for him to move.
He sighed before pulling the shirt off revealing toned abs, covered in scars and blood.
You haven't said anything about the metal prosthetic since you didn't know what.
He drew in a sharp breath once the disinfectant got into the open wound on his right side and you quickly wiped the blood away.

"This is going to hurt a bit." You warned him before you started stitching him up.

He never once flinched even when the needle pierced his skin, telling you he had been through worse than needles.
You were focused on stitching and jumped a bit when he spoke up.

"You're not scared of it?" He asked and you knew what he was talking about.

"It's just a prosthetic. A good one, it must've been expensive." You mumbled while cutting the excess thread and putting a bandage on top.

"Do you want to stay here tonight? Or do you want to come with me to my place? I don't want you to sleep on the streets." You offered.

"Why are you helping me? For all you know I could be a serial killer." He countered.

"You were bleeding out in an alleyway. Not a very good serial killer then." You smiled and went to the bar to get him a glass of water.

"Thank you." He muttered before he spread out on the bench and closed his eyes.

You placed the glass in front of him and sat down next to his head.
His chocolate colored hair was hiding parts of his face and you couldn't help but think that he looked adorable.

"No problem."


You looked up from the counter when you heard the door open and immediately broke into a grin.
He looked just as stoked and took a seat right in front of you.

"What can I get you, sir?" You asked with a huge smirk.

The man pulled out a ten dollar bill and slid it over the counter while maintaining eye contact with you.
Those stormy blue eyes that have come to visit you ever since that night a year ago looked less sad than before and you still deemed him as adorable.

"The usual." He smirked and leaned back, watching you round the counter and pull him into a hug.

Ever since you found Bucky in that alley and stitched him up, you had gotten closer.
It became a habit of his to come into your bar after closing time and you either stitched him up again or he just came to talk.
He had told you about his past despite being afraid you'd judge him and throw him out.
You had grown to be the best friends and you gave him your word to always be here if he needed to talk or anything else.

"How've you been? I haven't seen you in a few weeks!" You stated while walking back behind you counter.

"It's our one year anniversary. Thought I'd make the day of meeting you a little more special." He said and took your hand, holding the rag, in his and looked into your eyes.

"Oh yeah? How are you going to do that?" You teased and placed your other hand on top.

"By asking you to go on a date with me?"
Your jaw dropped a little at the proposition and a broad smile appeared on your face.

"Tell me where and when and I'll be there." You smiled and retracted your hands from his.

"Here. Tonight after you close up?" He proposed and you could see a little bit of fear in his eyes.
He was scared that you would turn him down but you had different things in mind.

"You bet your sweet little ass I'm closing up early tonight."

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