Hands-on interrogation

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You sat in the dark, watching the man squirm and pull at his restraints. 
The only light came from a lightbulb from right above him, which left you in the dark of the corners of the interrogation room. 

"Dr. Brian Winston. Genetic engineer, surgeon and renowned physicist." You said and silently watched as the man looked around for the source of the voice. 

"Who are you?" He asked, panic lacing his voice. 

"You choose. Either your worst nightmare and possible end or your saviour who frees you from that chair." 

"What do you want from me?" He asked and looked into the corner opposite of yours. 
You groaned and stood up, grabbing his throat and making him face you.

"I only want one thing and then you're free to go. Where are you keeping the Winter Soldier?" You squeezed his throat a little harder until his face started turning red. 

You let go with a scoff and watched him cough until he calmed down and pulled your chair out and spun it around so you could lean on the back of it. 

"We both know that you will tell me, eventually. You're a doctor, not a soldier which means you'll happily tell me what I want to know to avoid being tortured by me." Your face was blank of any emotion and the doctor gulped frantically looking around the room. 

Meanwhile Steve and Natasha stood on the other side of the mirrored window and watched you interrogate the man you took in after raiding a HYDRA base. 
Discomfort was written on Steve's face and even Natasha was restlessly tapping her foot on the floor. 
Both of them knew that HYDRA, infiltrating S.H.I.E.L.D was personal to you due to your past with HYDRA. 

They took you in as a child and trained you into one of the most skilled assassins ever. 
You escaped when they started experimenting you, looking for a way to improve you in some way. 
You met the Soldier in your facility and you even trained together, since you were the only one to survive, fighting him. 

Growing closer over time, you found out his name was Bucky and he'd been HYDRA's prisoner for 70 years. 
They wiped him before you escaped which forced you to leave him behind. 
The doctor, who you identified as the one who was experimenting on you, was now covered in bruises and cuts littered his skin. 
Although he was bleeding and in a lot of pain, he didn't tell you. 

"You're a surgeon if I remember correctly. So, you know a thing or two about the human body, right?" You asked with a small smile. 

"Y-yes?" His lip quivered in fear and your smile turned into an evil smirk. 

"Then you should be able to tell how long it takes for shattered kneecaps to heal?" You pulled out a hammer from the little bag you snuck in with you and watched his eyes widen in fear. 

He stared at the hammer then you and back at the hammer. 
Twirling it in your hands you kicked the chair aside and bent down yo you were only inches from his face. 

"I asked you a question, doc. You better give me an answer if you ever want to walk again." You threatened. 

"D-depends on the se-severity. If it's broken, three to six months-" He stuttered, fear clearly present in his tone. 

"I am talking about shattered, doctor." You clarified. 

"Nine to t-twelve months of rec-recovery." He stated and swallowed past the lump in his throat. 

You took a step back took a closer look on the hammer. 
Ignoring the way he looked at you, you turned to the mirror, pressing a button on the panel next to it so Steve and Nat could hear you on the other side. 

"Steve. I advise you to either close your eyes and cover your ears or step out of the room because this isn't going to be pretty." You explained, the hammer still in your hand. 

"Y/n, w can find Bucky without him. You don't have to do this." Steve pleaded but you didn't listen. 

"Steve this is personal. Don't say I didn't warn you." You turned to the doctor who was shivering and frantically pulling at the cuffs which held him to the chair. "Last chance to tell me where he is." 

"Cut off one head-" 

"Not walking it is!" 

You pulled the hammer back and Nat and Steve watched in horror as it made contact with the man's knee. 
He let out an agonising scream and doubled over. 
He was gasping for air and tears of pain escaped his eyes. 

"You're a monster!" He shouted which caused you to let out a manic laugh. 

"What do you want me to do? Apologise? Why should I apologise for being a monster, when no one apologised for making me that way?" You yelled before letting the hammer collide with his other knee. 

He screamed again and you threw the hammer away, causing a piece of the concrete wall to break off. 
You stormed out of the room, only to bump right into Steve's chest. 
You tried to walk around him but he kept you in place with his hands on your shoulders. 

"That was too much, y/n. We don't torture people!" He raised his voice at you but you didn't bother caring. 

"Call it what you want, I call it hands-on interrogation." You tried again but he wouldn't let you go. 

"We're not going to find Bucky if you let your feelings get in the way and kill everyone that stands in your way!" He was now full on yelling at you and you had enough. 

You grabbed his wrist and twisted it until he let go of you. 

"Bucky is the only friend I have. They are hurting him, torturing him, wiping his memory over and over again!" You felt a tear escape your eye and quickly wiped it away. "I'm going to find him and get him out of there. I'm willing to go over bodies, Rogers. Make sure you're not one of them!" 

With that last threat, you pushed past him and made your way out of the building and outside to clear your head. 

You had to come up with a plan to free Bucky. 


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