Yoongi x Male Reader (Aus)

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Third pov.

M/n laid in bed looking out the window where the beach was. He smile a bit looking out there. He wish he could go but nothing could get hin out there. He felt a bit sad for what has happen to him. But He couldn't do anything about it. All he could do is laid in bed and look at the window where the beach was. The beach with the salty air and waves.

Where people go to have fun and take long walks on the beach. This is what He want. For someone to take him on a long walk but it seem almost impossible. He look over at the door hearing it open. He watch a boy walk into the room and sat down on the other bed.

M/n pov.

The doctor came in next telling him some stuff then came over to me.

"How we feeling today M/n?" He ask.

"My stomach hurts and I feel extremely tire today." I answer.

"We will get something for you to help the abdominal pain." He said as he left the room.

I look back over to the beach. Think about how the water might sound like. The beach was empty today mostly cause of winter will be coming in a couple of days.

"Do you need something." I ask look over at the boy who stare at me.

"No...." He said.

I nod my head and laid down again feeling very tire. I wonder when my time going to run out. I sigh a bit hoping my mom might visit today if not I guess she finally make herself think she only has one son again. The doctor came back in and hand me a cup. I took whatever that was in it and he help me out of bed for my daily blood check.

After I was done with that I got some help from a nurse to get back to my room. When I finally got back into bed I look over to see that the boy was gone. I close my eyes feeling almost to tire to sleep. 'I hate this' I thought to myself. I hate being tire but I can't sleep.

I felt myself almost go to sleep when the door open. My curtain was half close so I couldn't see who it was but I sigh feeling awake again. I hear people talking and laughing. I smile a bit soon I fell asleep to the group of people with the boy talking.

I woke up to see the boy sitting in the window on his phone. He look up at me and move to sit in the chair next to my bed.

"I'm Yoongi." He said.

"I'm M/n." I said back.

He nod his head and look back at the window.

"You like the beach?" He ask.

"Yeah sometimes I wish I could go there." I said.

"Why don't you?" He ask.

"I have been in the hospital since I was 5 years old. And now it's pretry much too late " I said.

"Oh." He said.

"Don't worry to much I can enjoy the view." I said happily.

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