Bts x Male Reader

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Request by AngelaArmlink


M/n pov.

I look around the dark basement. I look up at the door then down to the floor. I really want to get out of here. I took a deep breath and slowly walk up the stairs. At the top I place my hand in the door and slowly push down.

The door pop open and the light show in. I look out of the door to see anyone was there. No one..... where are they? I walk out into the hallway and went to the living room. There was no sound in the house.

I smile bit thinking of seeing my family and so on. This is it..... I'm going to be free now.... I stop as soon as I got to the door. I saw three of the boys asleep in the living room. I frown and look at the door.

I need to get out of here.... My hands slowly went up to the door knob and turn it. I smile at the fact the door didn't make any noise. I open the door a bit wider and step out. I slowly close the door till it shut quietly.

I turn around and ran straight to the road. I walk down the sidewalk trying to find something that looks similar or a police car. I look behind me to see that a car was driving slowly.

I look around trying to find someone or any place. I saw a police station not the far from where I was. I can make.... I can make it. I walk quickly trying to get there before something happen.

I was about there till I felt someone grab my waist. My eyes were cover and I felt his chest against my back.

"Bad baby....." He whisper to me.

I couldn't say anything. I frown and try to move his hand only to have him smack my hands away.

"Stop." He said with a serious tone.

I put my hands down and lean against him. I can't fight him.... I can't do anything.

"Come on lets get you home." He said to me.

"Okay Hose.....-Oppa." I try to get out.

"Good boy." He said as he slowly pull me through groups of people and finally back in the house.

Where I came face to face with rest of them.......

One Shots!!!! (Bts x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now