Top!Male Reader x VKook

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Request by Amie356
M/n pov.

I woke up feeling warm from both sides of my body. I look to each side to see that Taehyung and Jungkook were laiding next to me. Oh I guess they found me then. It was almost comforting to have them press up against me sides like this.

I warp my arms around their waist and pull them closer but making sure I didn't wake them in the process. They push closer to my neck almost like a cat would. I let out a small groan feeling Taehyung start to suck on the side of my neck.

I guess I forgot again didn't I. I let them go and slowly try to get up. Jungkook let out a whine as I made him let go of me. I grab a pacifier from the side table and press it to Taehyung's mouth. Jungkook sat up in bed and grab my hand pulling me to sit down. I sat down on the bed and let Jungkook climb in my lap.

He smirk at me as he kiss up my neck and down.

"No baby boy stop." I said to him grabbing his collar and pulling him off.

He laid there looking almost frustrated to the max. Taehyung left the movement of Jungkook and got up. He saw how frustrated Jungkook look and saw the small purple mark on the side of my neck. He start to pout and look at Jungkook.

"You never wait for me." He said as he went over to me.

"No stop." I said to him.

Both him and Jungkook are now sitting pouting almost want to jump on me as they watch me.

"Hmmm........" I heard Taehyung make a noise.

I went to turn around only seeing one of them.

"Please daddy just once...." I heard from one of them.

I groan and grab both of their collars and pulling them under me. I almost laugh at their red faces when I put Jungkook on top of Taehyung.

They look at each other then down to see that their members were press up against each other. ((Side note: they sleep naked)) I press two fingers in Taehyung's waiting hole while Jungkook watch him from above.

"Do you like the view?" I ask him as he just stare.

"I...y-yes." He try to back but I quickly remove my fingers from Taehyung and shove them into him.

Taehyung was whine and move his hips against Jungkook's to try and finish himself off. I shoot my head and grab a hold of Taehyung's hair from above Jungkook.

"Don't do that baby boy or you will be in for a surprise." I growled out to him


A/n: I'm sorry.... I'm in the middle of class and I'm starting to feel awkward so I'm going to stop. But I hope you like this.

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