Happy 100

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A/n: Just a little something for being my 100th part...........

M/n pov.

I stop at the school entrance.......well lets make this easy for everyone to understand. I walk up the path to the school and watch people around me look the whisper. Maybe some rumors might go around this time and just maybe I will be entertained.

When I got into the school the people slip down the middle as I walk. One guy stop in front of me and look me up and down.

"Who are you mister popular." The guy said.

I walk around him not wanting to deal with anyone yet. He follow right behind me till I push him into an empty classroom and up against the wall.

"Why are you following me?" I ask as I kept him pin.

His face was red but I didn't really pay attention to it. He didn't say anything either and that piss me off the most.

"Answer me......." I growl into his ear.

He let out a small whine and start to fall to the ground. What the hell is wrong with him? He sat on the ground and didn't look up at me. He look like a puppy that had been yell at. It was kind of cute in a way.........

I walk away from him only to see that he drop his school ID. Taehyung.......is his name. I kick it over to him and walk out of the room. I continue my walk down the hallway till I got to my locker. I look around because I kept feeling like someone is watching me......wtf is going on? I felt someone grab me and pull me down to the ground.

"Shhhh now we can be together..........."Taehyung whispers to me as I black out.

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