Yoongi x Male Reader x Seokjin

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Request by Sope_Official

(A/n: this one is for you my fam)

M/n pov.

It was almost upsetting to see my perfectly good drawing go to waste like that. Watching his friends pass it around and rub marker all over it. I frown at him only to have him shrug at me.

"Don't worry okay." He whisper to me.

I nod and turn to go to class cause fuck him right. I did that out of hard work but it's okay because I'm not an idol and it's not counted as real work. I hate him but I love him at the same time.

But he makes it really hard to be with him when all he does is follow the group like a lost puppy. It's our last year of high school and I can't even have my boyfriend back.

°•°•°•°•°Couple Months Later°•°•°•°•°

I haven't seen him since the party that he said we should go and have so much fun. But he end up leaving me behind and go somewhere else. He is as making this god damn hard to be with him. I don't know what to do anymore. I got up from the lunch table I was sitting at and wall to the library. If it's one thing I need right now is music and quietness.

On the way to the library I came across no other then Jin himself. He didn't say hi or wave, He just wall right pass me.

"Hey." I call out and grab his arm.

He stop and turn around to face me. He didn't look too happy but I need to get these things straight right now.

"Where have you been? Why have you been ignoring me Seokjin?" I ask him.

He didn't answer just stood there in front of me.

"It's nothing M/n." Is all he said before trying and walking away again.

"It has to be something. You are hurting me you know but I'm guessing that doesn't matter. Just like all the time your friends destroy anything I give you." I said kind of fast.

"Stop trying to blame them for everything that goes wrong with you." He said back.

"Oh really now...... I don't think this is going to work at then.....Seokjin. Lets break up." I said before turning away from him so I didn't have to see him.

"You act like I care for you of something. That I wanted to be with you. I cheated on about five times throughout our relationship. So it's about time you understand that no one want you." He spat out to me.

I didn't want to see his face right now and I walk away to library and sat in the corner of the room upset at eve re thing that just happen. It was fresh and raw the pain was emotional.

I hope I never make that mistake again.......


It has been awhile but it still was hard to to trust someone who really wants to be there. But that's pretty much how the last 2 years of my life has been. I haven't seen him or heard about him. An I'm pretty sure I never will. He made it really clear that I was nothing to him. Only a toy to play with when none of his others wanted to play.

"I hope you don't mind me sitting here." I heard someone say as he sat down.

I guess the cafe is pretty full. I nod to him and look back at my lapout screen to finish a paper for a class. He pull out his and I guess did the same thing.

Week after week we became friends and soon I found out actually who he was no other then a friend of Seokjin. He was a quiet one I'm guess he was couple mouths or a year younger then Jin but he wasn't like the rest. He just didn't care.

"So how about a date then." Yoongi said.

"Slow your roll boy." I laugh at him as his face turn red.

"But okay." I said


A/n: done my fam! ♡

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