Top!Jungkook x Bottom!Male Reader

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A/n: request from jiminpresious


Third pov.

M/n laid on the bed playing with his collar waiting for Jungkook to get home. He got up and made his way to the living room. M/n sat on the couch and watch the door. He perk up hearing keys from outside the door. He watch the door open to no other then Jungkook himself. He got up off the couch and stood in front of him.

"Hey kitten." He said as he ran his hands through M/n hair.

M/n press his head up against his hand as he did this. He grab a hold of M/n and pick him up.

"Have you been good kitten." He said.

M/n nod his head as he cling on to Jungkook as they walk to the bathroom. Jungkook place the clingy male against the wall. He watch the male against him. Jungkook place his hand on the males hip. He trace a small pattern on the males hip.

M/n shiver feeling Jungkook's hand push up under his shirt. M/n whine as Jungkook pull his shirt off and the cold hit his skin. Jungkook didn't care and quickly pull his kittens pants off. He ignore the whines from the kitten and kiss down on the kitten's stomach.

Jungkook didn't waste no time to his kitten onto his knees showing him other's holes. Jungkook press his fingers into M/n's mouth only to quickly pull them out of his mouth. Jungkook let his fingers circle his kitten's rim.

M/n quickly press his hips up trying to get Jungkook's fingers inside of him. Jungkook smirk a bit and finally push one finger inside of his kitten. He press his fingers deeper but slowly to get his kitten go crazy.

M/n whimper pushing his hips back and forth try to get the pleasure he want from it. Jungkook frown at what his kitten was doing and smack his ass.

"Stop pushing it." Jungkook hiss out.

M/n stop moving his hips and let Jungkook do as he pleases. Jungkook pull out his fingers from his kitten and watch M/n move around his hip trying to find some kind of friction. Jungkook held his kitten's hip to keep them still.

He press his member at his kitten's hole. He let go of M/n hips and let his kitten push himself onto his member. M/n let out a string of moans as he rode Jungkook's member. Jungkook watch him then push forward to make M/n fall forward. M/n grab a hold if the bed feeling Jungkook grip his hips and trust into him at a harsh speed. M/n throw his head back trying to see Jungkook but Jungkook push his head down into the bed.

"No no kitten. You have been bad." He said as he pick up his speed.

M/n whine at him as he try to get up to see him. Jungkook growl in his ear and thrust harder against M/n prostate. M/n moan out and thrust his hips back to meet Jungkook's trust. It wasn't long before M/n felt himself about to cum.

Jungkook felt M/n tighten around him as M/n came. Jungkook growl again and continue to press into the heat tightest. M/n moan at the oversensitive he was feeling. He slowly lost himself as Jungkook continue to hit his prostate. But Jungkook wasn't far behind from cumming.

M/n clench around Jungkook trying to get him to cum inside of him. Jungkook squeeze his hips as he was about to cum.

"P-lease...." M/n moan out to Jungkook.

With the Jungkook groan feeling himself cumming inside of M/n. He trust couple more times before pulling out if his kitten. He wat h M/n fall down on the bed with fresh bruises on his hips from his hands. He smirk a bit at them knowing that M/n will look at the them and know who he belongs to.

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