Jimin x Male Reader

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A/n: please understand the list I do from here on out please look if it angst, smut, or fluff.


● In the beginning of your relationship it was fine, cute, and adorable.

● ((But sadly nothing can stay like that forever))

● The first fight happen over a jealously.

● with you; it was always him looking, flirting, or holding peoples waist

● with him, it was how Jungkook and Namjoon act around you.

● The fight was hard to get pass because no one want to face it.

● (but in the end you say sorry)

● months after that fight, you and Jimin kind of fell apart.

● couple more months and you start to notice things were changing.

● while going out for lunch with some co workers you end up finding Jimin there with someone else.

● another fight broke out there in the restaurant

● you right there on the spot broke up with him

● the sad truth is that your heart broke as you saw the new photos of Jimin and his new boyfriend.

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