Bts x male reader 1?????

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A/n: I don't do these that much but I got bored so fuck it......

M/n pov.

Watching the clock was something I did after being in class for too long. I hated what came after class...... seeing them made it hard for me. They all knew how I felt and instead they got with my ex best friend......

When the bell rang I quickly got up and didn't even go to my locker... I don't need my heart to be broken anymore then it already is. I ran to the side door and push it open not looking around me. I heard them but I quickly shut the door so I didn't have to see them.

The walk home was painfully long and hot. It was a bad day to wear a hoodie wasn't it. When I saw my house in the distance I ran to it and notice that no one was home. I didn't really mind that..... I laid down on the couch in the living room looking at my phone. I guess mom and dad are having date night again.....

I laid my phone on the coffee table and tried to take a nap but was shortly interrupted by my phone going off again. I pick it up not even look at number.

"Go to a party with me?" My friend Minso ask me.

"You know I don't want to go..." I told her not really understand why she never gets the hits.

"Come on you can't be hung up on them forever plus the party with have college kids too.... I really want you to go." She said.

"If I go you can't ask me to go again got it." I told her.

She cheer that I was going with her and hung up on me. I got off the couch and went to my room. I look at my closet noticing all the non party clothes I had. I only have like a couple hoodies, two shirts and like four pairs of jeans. I guess I'll just wait for Minso to come then.

(When darkness turns to night it ends tonight it end to night)

(I look at you with such disdain)


I laid down on my bed to take a quick nap. I didn't really want anything else.

I woke up with banging on the front door. I got out of bed and went downstairs. When I open the door Minso look kind of angry with me but I don't care. She drag me up to my room and force me to sit on my bed. Not that I'm complaining....

I watch her look at my clothes and then to me.

"You could have told me you have like nothing." She said.

I didn't answer but watch her some more to see what see was doing.

"Here put this on.." she said throwing me a pair of jeans.

"I don't fit in this anymore." I said back.

"Just put them on." She said rudely.

I took off my shorts and slip on the tight jeans that fit the year before.... I mean they still kind of fit I guess. I notice that she was in the back of my clothes.

"So this is where you hide everything." She said bring out shirt that was kind of see through.

I grab the shirt remembering when I brought this. I was with the ex best friend..... well might as well I guess. I took off my shirt and put on the over size shirt. She smile at me and did my hair.

"I hope the college boys are all over you...." She said with a smile.

I thank her and she drag me out of house. I notice that the house we pass were quiet and very big. When Minso slowly down and stop in front of a house that was surprisingly not what a expected.

There really wasn't anyone outside like other parties. Minso got out and knock on the door. When the door open a black hair male. He smile at Minso and let us in. Inside was how you think a party would be.

It was a mess and the music was like super loud but you couldn't hear it outside.... fucking sound proof walls. I notice right away that they were here. I rolled my eyes and made my way to the kitchen to get a drink. As I pour something I notice that I was alone.

"Why are you here?" I heard the one voice I didn't want to hear.

I turn around and walk away from him not caring who or what...

I was stop before I could get out of the kitchen.

"Answer me... if your here to show off it's not going to work." He said up in my face.

I place a hand in between us trying to get him away. He stay where he was which was so close asking many questions over and over again. Finally I was pull away and someone was holding onto my waist making me pull back into their chest.

"What do you want with my boyfriend?" The man ask.

I notice that my ex best friend stare at me and him. He notice I was relax which meant it had to be true. He didn't say anything but turn to walk away.

"You can let go now." I saw trying to get away.

"Nah I don't want to. I have been told a lot about you. So let's make it up for the time you lost." He said while placing his lip against mine.

At this point I have nothing to lose so I kiss back. He seem very familiar and soon I push away.

"Byungwoo?" I ask looking at him.

He was Minso older brother. He didn't answer me and drag me out to the living room. I notice that many people from school watch me. I didn't care... maybe this won't be as bad as I thought. I let him hold onto me and dance along with him.

I look around the room and notice almost everyone that I went to school with was shock.... it seem that the ex best friend got the whole boyfriend thing out to everyone.

I decide in the moment to make things more oh it true. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him into a kiss.....

Take that......

A/n: part 1?????

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