Taehyung x Male Reader

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M/n pov.

I slowly made my way through the sweaty bodies. Where is he? I look around only to see more people. I held myself back from just leaving I just really need to find him.

I was too busy to notice one of his friend had came behind me. He drag me over to the living room.

"Jimin stop." I said before pushing away.

"Come on you can't tell me you didn't see what happen." He said to me.

"No......" I said to him but it didn't stop him from sigh.

I watch him as he grab my arm and walk me up the stairs. He took me to in front of a room that has been shut.

But once he open it I saw.... my heart stop. There was Kim Taehyung my boyfriend of four years having sex with another. I quickly close the door and walk down the stairs and out to the front of the house.

Jimin follow behind me as I start to walk away from the house. I kept walking till I came across a 24/7 cafe and went inside. I got a coffee and sat in the corner. It wasn't long before Jimin came and sat next to me.

"Okay well that wasn't good." He said looking at his coffee that was in front of him.

I play with ring that was on my finger and quickly took it off. I hate him so much for asking me to marry him then this happens no......

Jimin grad my hand and took the ring from inside my hands. He look at it and shook his head. He knew what happen and how this was going to effect us. He got up and took the ring outside. I watch him through the window as he throw it down the street. My heart broke watching it disappear into the night.

He came in and held my hands again.

"Don't worry M/n I got you..." he said while placing a kiss on my hands.

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