Bottom!Jimin x Top!Male Reader

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Request by: bigdonnydrama

A/n: Sorry no smut today....


M/n pov.

'Today was the day' I thought to myself. I look around the room and smile a bit. Jimin was still alseep next to me but it didn't matter. I want it to be a surprise and no one was going to ruin it today.

I slowly got out of bed. After I had to remove Jimin from he because he cling the top of my chest. I laugh lowly at his face as he try to find me but couldn't. Soon he gave up and grab my pillow. I smile at him and walk to the kitchen. I made a small breakfast for the two of us and place his on the table. I guess it is time to get started.

I quickly ate mine and left a small note beside his breakfast. I slip my shoes on and walk out the door. I had about 30 minutes to make it to the candy store and give the man there a note to give to him.

When I got there I quickly look at the multiple of candy and pick out his favorite ones. I pay for them and gave the man the note and the candy I brought. He took them and smile saying he would give it to him when he shows up.

The next stop was at the studio where I knew he would have to practice for a bit before the next clue. Hoseok was there dancing around but stop when he saw me.

"Hey M/n. Where's Jimin?" He ask looking behind me then around.

"He should be here in the next 20 minutes but I need to know if you can give this to him when he does." I ask handing him the note.

He nod and look the note over. He smile at and shook his head.

"You guys are too cheesey." He said with a laugh.

I shrug a bit and quickly said goodbye and went to the last stop. Which happen to be the park. I sat down and pull my phone out to see messages from Jimin but I didn't text back. He will find out here soon. I watch people walk by as time past and played so games on my phone till the time was right.

I smile when I saw the short boy coming closer as he walk. I met him half way and he smile at me.

"It's about time." He said with red checks.

"Hmm." I said about.

He look around in confusion but stop when I grab his hand. I pull him to the top of the hill and got down on one knee.

"Will you marry me?" I ask

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