Hold Me Tight

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A/n: warning please note this is sensitive to read.....

M/n pov.

The beginning is always the hardest but it is where the things begin..... the story about my heart and the upsetting truth that lead me to where I am now......

I'm nothing but something to take up air.....room..space for someone else. They taught me that well after they spit to go their own ways...... but I'm no one now and will continue to be like this..... thank you for reading my story.......


Our living situation are no good.... it doesn't matter how you look at it. We had bad time but nothing hurt them worst then their parents or partners. But we all had each other to keep us sane and loving. Maybe it was this that made us take things a little to far. Slowly one by one left leaving just me in..........

I remeber the day when they first of us left. Hoseok was him. He left us from the constant pressure of the world on his shoulder. He look at me the last.....

"I'm sorry but this isn't working out for me." He said.

So I'm here to tell you his story.

Third pov.

By the time he walk into the house he could hear the slamming of nothing. Part of him thought he was going insane but it was the anxiety building up inside him. The fears of not knowing where or who he was. This was what cause him to leave.

He never knew where he was or how he got there. Maybe it was the pills that he was on day after day. The doses seem to get higher by each month. He wasn't getting any better. He watch the days pass him by and soon it was all he could take to get out of bed.

"I can't do this anymore." He whisper out to the cold morning air.

He got up and dress himself. He did what he did every morning but he knew once he came home there was no going back. He met with his friends and hung out. They said you could see the tears in his eye as it finally got dark. That's when he stood up in front of the group.

"I'm sorry but this isn't working for me." He said.

"What do you mean?" Seokjin ask.

"I don't think I can be apart of you guy anymore. I never wanted this help.....I'm leaving." He said.

He turn away from us only to be hug from behind.

"I'm sorry M/n." Hoseok said removing the other hands.

He walked off on the path to the main road. The others watch as he got farther and farther away from them. Tears fell from their eyes but what can you do. It was a promise they made.

Hoseok walk down the side of the road trying not to go back. They wouldn't want him back now. He walk till he made it home. Here he sat in a chair till the sun rise hit his face. His eyes almost shut from exhaustion. They finally snap open when the light hit them.

He got up and went into the bathroom. He clearly was thinking right from being half alseep. He grab the bottle from the cabinet above the sink. This is what kept him up at night.... the thought of leaving. He empty the bottle into his hand and look down at the colorful pills in his hand. They will make you smile the doctor told him. He gave a small smile and took them.

I want to smile again....

Please hold me tight M/n..........


M/n pov.

But he wasn't the only one... the next to leave us like this was Jimin.


《《《I need you》》》

Third pov.

It has been while since Hoseok left. The group isn't the same and it seems that Yoongi and Namjoon are taking it a lot harder then anyone else. Jimin was been distancing himself from us. Jungkook said that he was next to leave. But M/n didn't believe him at all. Jimin wouldn't leave would he?

But the night came again where he didn't come. Days after days he didn't come and the group cross out his name and place a number two by it. M/n watch his friends fall to pieces all because of a promise....

Jimin sat against the wall in his house. He didn't want to face the pictures that line the walls. They hurt him the most. To see himself in such horrible conditions. He was nothing but fat in his eyes. Jimin would weight himself every morning to find no progress of losing.

After Hoseok left he let himself go. He gain about five pounds and couldn't loss it. He was freaking out, pulling at his skin and crying against the bathtub. He could help but see himself as nothing........ he will never be prefect like a thought of himself before. His hands found there way to the faucet and turn it on. He watch the tub fill with water and let it overflow. He got into the tub and left himself go.

I need you M/n......


M/n pov.

Of course no one heard them but me. This is something I have to live with..... because I didn't come fast enough to save them from themselves. I'm sorry............

On to Butterfly......


A/n: part two is call Butterfly

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