Sub!Taehyung x Dom!Male Reader

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Request by ThatOneLonelyPotato


Third pov.

Taehyung lean over M/n kissing his lips trying is hardest not to melt into the kiss. He was trying to get M/n to melt instead but he found it hard. He was slowly losing himself and M/n wasn't doing anything to him.

Taehyung knew that he was failing and pull away from the kiss. M/n watch him almost wondering what was happen. Taehyung grip M/n hip and grind against him. M/n could see that Taehyung was failing to stay dominant partner right now.

But he didn't was to say anything unless Taehyung said it first. After all it was the first time and he was the reason they switch for tonight. Taehyung moan out as he felt himself about to cum. M/n couldn't take it anymore and quick flip them to where Taehyung was at the bottom.

He grab both of Taehyung's leg and spread them. M/n place his finger round Taehyung's member and watch Taehyung close his eyes. The poor male below gasp as he feel M/n tighten his grip around his member. He moan out as M/n became more dominant in the moment.

"H-ey it......... was t-urn." Was all Taehyung could get out without moaning for the rest of the night.

A/n: I'm disappoint that this was short and I'm sorry but I'm trying really hard to get these requests done so please wait for me. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

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