Jealous Hoseok x Male Reader

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A/n: Request by apersonthatneedshelp

M/n pov.

I laugh along with Taehyung and Jungkook as we were watch a funny movie. I look around to see Hoseok sitting at the table just kind of watching us. I smile and wave at him but was interrupte by Taehyung tackle me down on the couch. He went for my side but I quickly crawl out from under him.

Jungkook decide that it would be funny to pin me against the couch while Taehyung help him. It wasn't long beofre you could hear Hoseok leave the room. We stop at the loud sound and watch him. I frown and Taehyung and Jungkook move away from me.

"I wonder what is his problem?" Taehyung ask.

Jungkook shrug and got up off the couch. He ran straight to his room with Taehyung behind him yelling something about overwatch. I roll my eyes and walk down the hallway to Jungkook's room. But before I could have way down the hallway I was pull into another room. I gasp as I push up against the wall.

"What are you doing Hoseok." I said to him.

He frown at me and pin me down.

"You just love to make me jealous don't you." He whisper to me.

I move my head down and said a quick no. He smile a bit and pull me down on the bed. He laid there next to me pull me into his chest.

"Don't do it again please." He said to me.

He kiss my forehead and wrap his arms around me.

"I won't." I said to my secret boyfriend.

He smile as I laid my head back in his chest and fell right to sleep against him.

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