Bottom!Jin&Taehyung x Top!Male Reader

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Request by: Mittans123

A/n: Same here I will get close but I'm not feeling it today..........

I wanted angst so here it is

Third pov.

The day was long but finally came to a end. Sadly M/n was a bit unhappy. He sat all alone in the apartment him and his boyfriends share. Both of the boys were out working and soon they would leave for tour. He hadn't seen them for about a week now and it seem the time come to go by.

He was worry about them more then he should. Thinking that something happen or what of they move on from him but he know that here soon they would be home and they all can sleep together in their bed.


M/n stood in their apartment looking at it still empty. It has been month and they still haven't came by. They didn't even call. M/n knew now that they were on tour and he won't see them for maybe a years or so. He felt heartbroken, that his own partners couldn't say goodbye.

He sigh and crash down on the couch. They pictures that hang the wall remind him of Jin and the fight they had about having too many pictures. Or Taehyung and his clothes that once cover the floor.

"I guess I could clean now..." he said to himself.

Then next couple days was him cleaning out their apartment. He pack all of their stuff and drop it off at the dorm. He didn't look around or anything, he just left. There wasn't anything left for him with them.


They months went by and soon it was summer again. M/n had move to be on campus at the college he was going to. On the way to recovery because of heartbreak he had with his well ex boyfriends now. He remember watching them post on Instagram and Twitter what they were doing.

One post made it clear as day that they didn't want him anymore and it was of them coming out as being together themselves. They fan were happy to see that this was truth but sadly it hurt M/n.

But he refused to let this get him to stop doing what he was doing. He was slowly learning to fall in love again. He was going at it slowly but with the help of his friends and getting close to a special someone who was also on tour at the moment too really help him. He felt brand new again like Jin and Taehyung were never in his life. It was like the memorizes had be wipe clean of them.


Finally the boys were home from tour. They all miss their home. They laugh at the mess they left behind but the two in the back stop. They tried multiple time to get out of the dorm but they weren't too sure now. Taehyung had left Jin to go to his room.

When he walk in he didn't expect to see so many boxes in his room. He frown wondering what the box were. He open couple of them to find some clothes and other things that he remember leaving at the apartment. Then soon it click to him. These were the things that he had at M/n's place. He wonder why they were here tho. It wasn't making sense at all. He pick up his phone and call M/n but it went to voice mail. He try again but this time it went through.

???: You need to stop call M/n

Taehyung: Why?

???: Don't just ask like you don't know what you did to him.

???: You broke his heart and now you want to come back again I don't think so.

Taehyung: I didn't break his heart?

???: Maybe you should have thought about that before you left him not telling him anything. Then posting that you only have one boyfriend!!!

Taehyung: i-i.........

???: I I what. Just stop calling he is happy with his new boyfriend.

And the phone call was end. Taehyung felt confused. He knew they were wrong about not going to see him but he never thought M/n would take it wrong. In a way he was angry with him. How could he just walk away and not call or anything?

This was his own fault.... not his...... Jin would also agree with him. It was M/n's fault.....

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