Taehyung X Male Reader (angst)

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A/n: request by Starfallmidnight

M/n pov.

I look at the tv that play some stupid scandal about me on it. I frown a bit seeing that all my fans are taking it pretty bad. My company has already cancel most of my fan meetings and live performances. I laid my head back on the couch. I could feel my tears start to build in my eyes as I thought about it more.

I can believe that a "fan" said that about me. I would never do that. I laid on my side and watch the people on the news bad mouth me some more before turning the tv off and getting off the couch. I really don't have anyone do I? I ask myself before going to the kitchen to get some water. I sat the glass on the counter after I was done drink out of it.

I look at my phone and wonder what my sister thinks about it. I pick up my phone and press the call button to call my sister. I let it ring and ring but nothing. And finally it went to voicemail. I sigh and call my mom next who didn't answer at all. Then to my dad who didn't answer. Do they really think that I did something like this?

I toss my phone down on the counter and sat on the kitchen floor. How comes no one believes me? I didn't do it... I.... ugh. I finally let my tears out and cry on the floor. So much for having a career. I bet my company is just waiting to fire me.

I heard my phon ding and I got up to see who it was.

sorry M/n me and the boys have things to do

I place my phone down on the floor next to where I was sitting. I can't believe this. No one wants to hear my side of the story only her side. I wasn't even in town that night. So how could that happen? I cry on the floor some more hoping that this will end soon.

~{Couple days later}~

I laid in bed looking around the trash room. So this is how I go out. My family hates me to the point were they act like I don't exist anymore. My fans are all gone and spreading it everywhere. The news people are still going on about it and the fan herself as everything that she could ask for.

The frame and attention of everyone. I feel so alone. None of my friends will answer me and if they do they tell me that they have other things to do then hang out with me. I frown at the ceiling and grab a pack of cigarettes on the side of my bed. I smoke one and move onto nother one. I haven't left my house in three days.

I wonder if I got fire cause my company hasn't call me and even my manager hasn't got a hold of me. I got up and went to the bathroom. I guess I should shower or bath. I ran some water and laid in the bathtub. I didn't take any of my clothes off and just let the water run over me.

The shower continue to run and soon the bathtub was fill of water. I slowly push my head under as I watch the water spill from under the water. I close my eyes and left my breath slowly leave my body. I could hear more water fall out of the tub. I frown at the sound and laid in the water.

It was getting harder to breath but I relax myself and let the water slowly fill my lungs. Just then I was pull out of tub and onto the floor. My vision blur a bit so I couldn't see who it was.

"M/N ANSWER ME!" They yell at me.

I close my eyes and try to breath. It took awhile before I could take a full breath of air. After I did I open my eyes again to nothing but darkness. I then realize that someone was hugging me. I pull away from them to see that it was Taehyung. He had tears in his eyes as he look down at me.

"What were you doing?" He ask in a shakey voice.

I didn't know what to say but to laid in his chest.

"M/n if this about what happening on tv and what not. I know that it isn't true. You weren't even in town that night cause I call you to hang out and you said you were out of town." He explain.

I didn't move at all but cry as I move my head to his shoulders. He hug me back and we sat on the wet floor of my bathroom crying and making sure that both were okay.

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