Jungkook x Male Reader ♡3♡

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Part 3


Third pov.

M/n sat under a tree and to the sky...... this was it he had to choose what he want. He could wait for Jungkook or be with someone else. This was hard for him....part of him hope that Jungkook would pop back up but another found love somewhere else in another person.

He couldn't make up his mind at the time..... he loved him yes but love can only take you so far before you give up. M/n frown at the words, it didn't sound right but he knew it was.

M/n got up and walk to the path to his house. He didn't understand what brought on the thoughts. He was already been with someone for almost a year now. He remember the fight that happen almost a year ago between the boys......


M/n pov.

I walk in the house to see that the boys were sitting in the living room almost mad.

"What happen now?" I ask look at them.

"Nothing...." Hoseok said before getting off the couch and grabbing my hand.

The others didn't look so happy at all. Seokjin got off and grab my other hand. Then across the room Taehyung got up and roll his eyes. Seriously what was the matter with them. Why are they being like this?

"I'm not going anywhere till someone tells me what is going on." I said pull my hands away from the two.

I push them to the couch and grab Taehyung then drag him back to the couch. I sat on the coffee table in front of the tv and wait. They look at each other then me and back in forth for while.

"We are fighting over you...." Yoongi said before looking away embarrass.

"We all been on dates with you and we can't come to agreement....." Jimin said after him....

"You need to choose M/n...please." Namjoon said to me looking me in the eyes.

I could see the pain come across their face. I couldn't wrap my head around this. They all want me and I'm sitting here waiting for one of their friends.....

"Okay, I choose........"


Third pov.

Here M/n was.... he shook his head to clear the thoughts from his head. He didn't need this right now. Jungkook did a number on him but he wasn't going to let him ruin a new relationship for him.

"I'm sorry Jungkook it's too late now."

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