Yoongi x Male Reader

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M/n pov.

Looking around the room I knew that nothing was going to be the same. I grab the picture that sat on the table but I knew that it will never happen.

Watching the man I love get married today and there isn't anything I can do now.... I'm surprise that he even invited me.. I wonder if this could really be happening but I try to forget everything that has happen. The past is in the past now.

I fix my tie and walk into the dining hall. Everyone was there his friends, family, and more. I sat down qt a table in the back because that where my seat was at. I look around and notice that I was the only one sitting at the table. Which means I was all by myself now. I watch people dance.

Then I saw him.... he was smiling brightly and soon the room darken. Most people left now and it was just a couple friends with the groom and bride. I took this chance to leave now that it was over. I didn't look back but it didn't even matter because someone grab my arm and drag me back into the place.

I look around at the many eyes. What was going on? Soon I was cover in sticky soda. They laugh and watch me from the ground.

"I hate to tell you this but you lost.... after all no one really cares for you now... just a loser." She said getting close to me.

I look over at him trying to get his attention but he look away with a smile. The world seem to fade from that day....

I sat the picture back down and laid on the bed. Nothing will ever be the same after that day. When I ran into today he look at me with sad eyes but I quickly flinch away. I ran out of the place.... now here I am again heartbroken.

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