Jungkook x Male Reader

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Request by @Silvery_Fawn

Third pov.

Jungkook quickly grab his phone and headphones so that they can get going. Jin was yelling at Taehyung who was still not dress yet but it didn't matter. It was Yoongi's younger brother birthday.

Jungkook just sat down on the couch and watch the others rush around. It wasn't long before Namjoon told him to go get into the van. Jungkook walk down to the van and sat in the corner in a single seat. After awhile the rest started to fill the van up. Jungkook quickly put his music on and waited for them to get there.

M/n pov.

I was sitting down at the table with my parents. They seem to know something that I didn't. I wonder what it is? I notice that my mom seem happier but I know it not because of my birthday.

I tap my fingers against the table looking around the kitchen. I sign and got up then went to my room. I look across my mirror to see the pictures of me and my brother.

I smile thinking that my brother should be leave here soon to go on concerts. I laid down and look at the many pictures of me and my brother that we took on the day before he got casted.

After awhile my mom call me down. I got up and went to the living room. I look over at her as she told me to go get something from outside. What could be outside that she couldn't get it herself.

I walk outside and stop looking around. Just then I felt someone hug me from behind me. I freak out and quickly turn around. There stood my brother and some other males behind him.

Jungkook pov.

I watch a small body stand in front of us. I notice that Yoongi hyung look happy as he got close to the male. I'm guessing this is his brother then. Once he grab onto in the male turn around. He was block by Yoongi but it didn't stop him.

I stay behind as everyone else went to say hi... I wait till everyone went inside and it was just me and him. I look him in the eye and felt my heart speed up. I got a bit closer to him smith say hi but his face turn red and quickly turn his head away from me.

"Hi, I'm Jungkook." I said holding out my hand.

He grab my hand which cause a lot for my heart. This was going to be one interesting day...

A/n: sorry it was late

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