Dom!Bts x Sub!Male Reader

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Request by extraweirdel


M/n pov.

I smile a bit looking around the expensive place. I wonder how many guys I can get tonight? I look in the mirror and smile at the dress.

 I wonder how many guys I can get tonight? I look in the mirror and smile at the dress

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"Well here we go." I said to myself.

I open the door and start to walk down the stairs. I sat down on one of the couches and watch men and women walk around. Some of the men stop and look at me a little too long before their wives caught them. But I didn't care.

"What a beauty." I heard someone say from behind me.

I turn around to see a guy holding a drink in his hand as he watch me. I smile a bit at him and move over were my friends were at.

"You have people looking at you left and right. So why are you over here?" He ask me.

I shrug a bit and smile at people that walk by. I talk a bit more then walk into the another room. I saw down on a couch with some others and watch some people play poker. I felt someone sat down next to me.

"Couldn't help but see you all alone." A male said to me.

"Well I can't help for the others to leave me." I said back to him.

"I'm Kim Taehyung." He said as he grab my hand and kiss it.

"M/n." I said back with a small smile.

"Hm how about me and you go down to the bar." He said grabbing my hand.

I nod and got up with him. He guide me down the stairs. I watch some of the guys glare at Taehyung and the women roll their eyes at me. I didn't mind but Taehyung was stop.

"I didn't know you knew a beauty like that Taehyung." He said to him.

"Hm I guess you're right Jimin. M/n this is Park Jimin." He said with a smirk.

"M/n." I said to Jimin.

He nod his head and grab my hand. I listen to the two talk for a bit till another man join in.

"Taehyung, Jimin I didn't know you would be here." He said to the two.

"Ah Hoseok." Jimin said while hugging him.

"Oh I'm Jung Hoseok." He said shaking my hand.

"L/n M/n." I said back to him.

"The others are here too. Want to go say hi to they." He ask the two.

Taehyung nod and grab my hand bring me along with them. I was pull into another game room where their was so men and women. I pull away from Taehyung and sat down in a chair in the corner of the room.

'Wow this room is bigger them the rest,' I thought to myself. Taehyung look around till his eyes found mine. He smile a bit and made his way over to me.

"Come we are going to the meeting room." He said to me.

"I'm sorry sir I really don't have too." I frown at him.

He grab ahold of my waist and pull me into another room.

"Boys this here is our new doll." Taehyung announced to other six guys.

They all look me up and down then nod their head to Taehyung.

"Well if that's so then I'm Kim Seokjin." He said with a sly smile.

"Kim Namjoon." He said as he watch me.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook." Another said with a smirk and whisper to Jimin.

"..........Min Yoongi." I look over to the my left as I heard someone.

I didn't really move just nod my head to them.

"L/n M/n." I said back in a small tone.

"Ah Taehyung you got a good." Namjoon said to him.

"I know a L/n is also good." Taehyung said back to him.

I felt someone come behind me and pull my wrist together.

"You no longer have control now M/n." Seokjin said to me.

"So who ready for a show?" Yoongi ask with a smirk.

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