Epilogue: Forever Young

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A/n: part 3

M/n pov.

I hate to see them leave but there is nothing I can do...... I love them but never got to tell them. Please love me.......


Third pov.

The rest of us watch as we lost four of our friends. To what....well they weren't sure. Here sat everyone around the fire that was going in the middle but only one person had something on their mind.....

Seokjin sat looking into the fire like it was saying something. All that was left was him, Taehyung and Jungkook. Jin watch the two soon fall alseep. He smile at the two younger boys. He hope what happen to the rest wouldn't happen to then.

They were too young and innocent. He look back at the fire as the night flash in his mind again. No wonder everyone left.....he was the one to blame and there was no going back.

Seokjin got up and walk over to the names on the wall. He wrote his down and place a five next to it. He couldn't live with himself anymore like this. He need to get away from everything from the people he once trusted didn't trust him anymore.

Here he laid in his bed at his apartment ignoring the phone that was ringing. He knew it was Jungkook. The maknae was very close to the older. He couldn't care less now. He had time to think and it came to him. Seokjin sat in a well lighted room with the window closed.

He watch people move on with their lifes but he couldn't seem to push pass his. The thought of getting over something that unforgivable...... he knew it was too late for the other four. They were mostly likey gone......

"M/n tell me what to do..." He ask.

Seokjin waited for an answer but hot nothing but silence. He felt tears run down his face and thought to himself I have no right to talk to M/n after what I did. He got off his bed and close the curtains to the window.

He walk down the hall feeling good at the feel of air. He had to stop it after all he didn't deserve this. Seokjin grab hand full of flowers and laid them in the middle of his room.

Seokjin grab a lighter that he kept for candles. He held it down to the flowers. He watch as they caught fire. He smile down at the small fire. He let it burn for a bit and put it out. As Seokjin let out his last breath he said.........

In my mind we will be Forever Young, M/n.....


M/n pov.

I wish I could tell him that I never blame him for what happen....... Taehyung and Jungkook were lost after they saw Seokjin name on the wall. All was left was the two.........

Save Me

Third pov.

Taehyung has never been a happy child. He was the main reason we started the group. He needed emotional support and we were all there for him. But after everyone left Jungkook was not as good to Taehyung as they rest were.

Jungkook was too young still to tell lies from the truth. Taehyung was falling behind....... the abuse at home push him to do thing that he never wanted to do. But somethings can't be controlled.

He went home that night to find his dad drunk and beating his mom. He rush in between them only to be push out of the way. Taehyung look around for something anything....he wouldn't let this happen again. That was his mom......at the moment Taehyung grab a bottle and went at his dad.

He busted that bottle on top of his dad head and watch him grab the table. Taehyung mind move at high speed and he grip thebottle. Taehyung was mad.... he grab his dad shoulder and stabbed his dad multiple of times.

Taehyung quickly came back to his senses to see what he had done. He look over at his mom only to find fear in her eyes. He was monster to her....... Taehyung got up and ran out of the house and to the secret spot.

When he got there, he look up at the wall to see his name and right under Jungkook's. He cry out not knowing who to go to now. He was alone and no one was here....... he pull out his phone and called Seokjin.


"I want to see my friends, hyung...."

Before he hung up the phone. He knew that Seokjin wouldn't hear it but it made him understand himself better. He sat there and look at the blood on his hand.

Taehyung stop and remember the time he got angry at Seokjin. Seokjin was punching Taehyung and he lost it. He push Seokjin away from him and grab a knife. Seokjin had to scream at him to get him to stop.

Taehyung shook his head to get rid of that memory. He didn't want this....... he let out a cry for help....

Save Me.....M/n please.....


M/n pov.

Watching him live his life here till he dies hurts me. I want to save him............. PLEASE SOMEONE SAVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!

Next: Interlude: Wings

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