🔞Bts x Male Reader 1🔞

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A/n: I'm putting a warning on this so be prepared......

M/n pov.

I sat on the floor of the room not knowing where I was at. I notice the cold that went up my spine. There was a loud bang on the wall by the door. I cover my face trying to hide from whatever was on the outside of the door. I knew that it would be coming in......

The banging stop but when I open my eyes everything in the room had change. The room was now a dark grey from the white it was before. The floor was dirty and had blood stains. I quickly got up and ran to the door..... I didn't do it I yelled out to the empty hallway.

I walk out of the room and look around the hallway. There stood many doors but they all had a different color tint to them. I look over the many colors trying to understand what they mean. White, black, pink, purple, green, blue, and orange doors along the empty hallway. I frown at the doors not really knowing if they where unlocked or not. I lean against a wall with my eyes closed.

The questions they were asking came back to me from before came back to me. Who am I? Who? Why? Can you........? I don't know. Who I am..... who did it.....why it was done...... and no I can't. I repeated out loud while I open my eyes. I watch the questions be written done on the wall as I answer them. They soon burn away and the word liar was burn into the wall.

I closed my eyes again trying to look away from the word. I wasn't a liar was I?

I heard one of the door come open. I turn around and open the blue door all the way. When I step inside I notice many papers along the ground. I picked one up but it didn't have anything on it. I soon drop it and continue to look around. I notice a bed on the opposite wall of the door. It was messy but still looked presentable. I notice a wall with paper stuck to it.

'What are you?' 'I'm a leader......' 'no your not.....' 'I'm a liar like the rest.......'

"Good to know we are on the same page now." I heard from behind me.

I turn around to see a figure standing in the doorway. I step back a bit trying to make sure that he wasn't going to do anything.

"I'm not a liar am I?" He ask look at me.

"That not my choice....." I said simply to him.

He sigh and took a step closer. He place a hand on my head and smile.

"You chose the wrong path again....." he said while grab something from his pocket.

I push him away then ran for the door. But I was stop by a hand wrapping around my ankle.

"I can't have you leave now...." he said not looking at me now.

I felt a strong pain in my lower stomach. When I look down I notice the blood started to stain my clothes...... I yell out in pain as he smile at me...... I felt him cut into me again while he smile. I couldn't take anymore.... I felt the world start to spin as he start to talk....

"Wrong chose....."


"Game over......"


A/n: wrong path...... this is part 1

One Shots!!!! (Bts x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now