Jungkook x Male Reader

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Request by: BattleChemistry


M/n pov.

I look down at the paper and around the old town. Peopel walk by saying hi and asking about my family. I got up then put the paint and paper in a small bag that I carry with me. I walk up the same old path to my house where my parents and my two little sisters.

I walk into the house and quickly pass the kitchen.

"Son come here..." I heard my father yell from the kitchen.

I walk back to the entrance of the kitchen and look at him.

"I think it's time for you to meet your future wife." He said with his hands fold.

I frown at him and shook me head.

"I don't want that....." I said softly back at him.

He got up and walk over to me. He brought his hand up on my shoulder.

"I didn't ask I told you." He said.

"And I said no." I said right back at him.

He look at me and tighten his grip on my arm. I try to shake off his hand as the pain start to increase in my arm.

"YOU WILL DO IT!" He yell at me.

My sisters and my mom look at him scared. I push his hand off and ran to the door. I can't stand him when he is like this. I walk around a bit till I realize that I can't paint in peace here.

I look down the path to the forest knowing what people said lies there but at this point I didn't care. I quickly made my way to the forest before anyone could see me.

The trees cover the sun a bit making the things under it kind of dark. I smile at the sound of birds singing in the air and the sound of water falling somewhere. I never want to leav this place. The forest had a smell like rain but fresh rain. Which surprise me because it hasn't rain in days back home.

I came across a open patch of land where the sun hit the ground and flower grew around it. It was beautiful. I sat down on the small log on the ground and place my paint around me.

I look at all my brushes and chose the small brush off to the side. I dip it into some of the grey I made and start to do the basic outline of the forest. Hours and hours went by and soon it start to get dark.

"There is not way I will make it out of here." I said.

I look around and to another path hoping that it was the one I took to get here. But my luck suck today and I end up by a river. I have never seen this river before. Am I really that far from home? I heard some of the bushes start to move and I turn around.

My parents told me of the nasty monsters that live in the forest before. Thoughts and images of a monstrous beast came to my mind. I watch as I saw a small baby panther come out. I frown at myself and sigh.

I turn around to see that the river flow speed up a bit. I don't want to run into the mother of that animal but I can't cross the river now.

"I guess I'm stuck here now." I said looking around at the area.

I had no other choice then to sleep here tonight. I found a dry place on the ground but is close to get out easy just in case. I roll over on my side and soon fell alseep.

I quickly sat up to the sun touch but a deep growl that came. I quickly look around to find that the baby's mother was here looking for it. I look around for it but sad no luck on my side the baby must have gotten cold.

Because the small baby wild cat had laid next to me and is now on my lap for warmth. The big cat walk around me watching me carefully. This is it..... for me. I almost want to talk it out but I knew that it wouldn't work.

The baby wild cat got up from my lap and climb to the ground. It seem to know what was going to happen. The baby laid under its mother and fell back to sleep. The bigger cat didn't let it go that easily and slowly came closer.

"Stop." I heard someone say.

I turn to look at the person to find a young man but older then me stand there. The cat seem to not care to be on his bad side and grab the baby then left.

"Who are you?" I ask look him over.

He look strong and had brown hair. He was perfect.

"That's not important right now." He said kind of off a bit.

"Why are you here?" He ask looking me over.

"I came to paint....." I said now thinking how stupid that sounds.

"Really now." He said in slowly tone.

He walk around me with a serious look on his face.

"I don't believe you." He said.

"And why not?" I ask.

"No one just comes here for something so stupid." He said back at me.

"P-ainting is n-ot stupid." I try to say.

He laugh a bit at me and got close. He look me over and over then step a but closer.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"I have never seen a feminine male before." He answer.

I realize what the means and red tint came to my checks. His breath hit my face as he got closer. I try to breath a bit but there was something that caught my breath.

"So rare......." He whisper.

"Who are you?" I ask again but this time a try to push him away from me.

"Jungkook." Is all he said but he didn't move from his spot.

My eyes widen as I remember that name from when I was child. He was that one child who was cast away into the forest for something. I never thou-

"What's wrong.... scare." He say.

I shook my head but before I could answer. He had me against a tree and holding onto my throat. (A/N: well this got sexual fast)

"No one leaves once they come in here." Was all he said.

A/N: yeah I'm going to stop there..... before I get anymore ideas.....

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