Jungkook x Male Reader ♡2♡

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Part 2

M/n pov.

×Year later×

Sitting on the couch thinking back at what happen through the year. It was finally January first and nothing to show from the old year. Just a broken heart and force smiles since May. I hate him so much but if he came to me and ask for me to forgive him I would. At this point I would do anything for him.

But I won't let his friends know that. They seem to be coming around a lot. Taehyung comes by a lot. He brings me things like candy and clothes. I wonder where he is? Is he in love with someone else? Does he feel bad for what he did? Will he ever be back for me?

I didn't realize how much my life was around him...... I feel lonely again....

"M/n?" I heard Jimin say waving a hand in front of my face.

"Did you need soemthing?" I ask.

"Yeah, I was wondering if maybe you want to go out this Saturday and see the lights in the park." He ask looking at me with a small smile.

I didn't want to hurt his feelings but I don't know if I should..... I still feel like Jungkook could come back.... my love.... he has to come back....

"Yeah sure." I said with a smile trying to seem happy about it.

Moving on will be hard just don't show up out of nowhere Jungkook. I can't live like this anymore. No in the past.... I need to move on...... away from you.......

Saturday was hard to come to terms with. Jimin isn't a bad guy it just I'm not sure I'm ready to move on..... I want Jungkook to come swing back and..... and what...... he won't do anything for you.....

"Hey, M/n how are feeling today?" Jimin ask

"Like I have chance to live...."

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