🔞Bts x Male Reader 2🔞

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A/n: warning note..... be prepared

M/n pov.

I woke up in the same room again. I felt down my body to see if the stab marks where still there but nothing felt wrong.

There was no blood just the room. I stood up again and walk out of the room. I notice that the blue door was now a clear door that show me what happen when I went in..... I watch myself fall to the ground again and again till I die again and again. I felt tears fall down my face watching my blood spill on the floor over and over again.

I look away and at the wall where more writing came up.

I am you? You are me? Nothing but a waste of space.....?

I heard another door open. When I look at the door I notice that the black door had open. I slowly took small steps while feeling my heartbeat get louder as I walk down the hallway to the door. I stop in front of the door and look in. It was dark with a computer screen the light the way a little.

When I step into the room I notice that the door slam shut. I quickly turn around and tried to open the door. But I was grab and thrown to the other side of the room.

"SHUT UP." I heard the boy yell at me.

He look down at me and frown.

"What a waste of space...." he said to himself but loud enough to hear me.

I stay still to make him happy but he kick me again. I cough up more and more blood as he kick harder over and over again. I prepared myself for more but it stop.

"I hate you.... you don't have to be a waste of space.... but you are." He said.

I didn't say anything but watch him slam his hand into the wall. I got up and look at him. He was on the floor sitting up against the wall. He mumbled I hate you over.....

I took a step towards him only to have him disappear into noting in front of me.

"I don't want a waste of space in my room.... your worth nothing so you don't deserve the space." He said.

I look around for him only to be pin to the floor. I felt his hands go around my neck and putting pressure on my neck. I slowly felt my air being cut off. I look into his eyes and had my hands around his to stop him.


Was all I could say as I felt my lungs burn for air. I start to choke as I stop fighting. He didn't smile or frown. He look like he was here to get a job done and leave.... I felt my head hit the floor hard again and again till I almost pass out.....

"Bye now waste of space...."


"No one is worth my space"


A/n: hmmm you failed again..... maybe you don't deserve another chance do you? But you must go on..... don't fail me next time....

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