Male Reader x Yoongi x Jimin (Au)

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A/n: request by angel_Yu_min

Yoongi pov.

I sat on the edge of a rock watching Jimin play with an human. I knew he had feelings for that human but he couldn't have him. The human was mine. The perfect way he look made it so hard to let him go. After watching them from a far I watch M/n look over at me. He smile and wave which caught Jimins attention. Jimin smile at me and wave too. I look away trying to blush at the two.

This was different for me but Jimin and M/n were both naive but watch Jimin dumbly be all over M/n made me mad just a bit then I was before. I went back into the water and slowly rest at the bottom. Jimin came up next to me and sat down on my stomach.

"What's wrong Yoongi." Jimin said.

I sat up and wrap my arm around Jimin. I didn't want to hurt the boy even if he makes me jealous by hang with M/n. I can't hate him.

"Nothing is wrong." I said to him.

Jimin smile and grab my arm bring me back to the surface to see M/m waiting for us. He pull me over to him.

"Hi Yoongi." M/n said as he laid in the sand.

He touch my hair and look away from me with a blush across his face. Jimin pout looking at what happen between us and pull M/n away from me. I frown at Jimin and he look away from me. I can't believe him but what do I do.

I can't keep Jimin away from him cause he doesn't understand what this is. The sun was setting and Jimin decided to say bye to M/n who also said bye to both of us. Jimin pull me back under the water and laid with me at the bottom.

"Yoongi do you like M/n?" He ask.

I didn't want to lie to him so answer him.

"I do Jimin." I said to him.

He frown but nod and laid across my lap.

"I like him too." He said to me.

BI nod my head and play with his hair. He laugh a bit as I play with it.

"What are we going to do now?" He ask me.

I shrug and let him laid on top of me as he play with sea grass. I soon fell asleep while Jimin on laid on me.

~next day~

I watch Jimin as he play with M/n again and soon Jimin bought me over to them. I smile at M/n and watch Jimin go and grab so shells from the bottom of sea. When he came back up he look at me then M/n.

"M/n I have something to tell you." Jimin said.

M/n nod his head and wait for Jimin to continue.

"I like you a but so does Yoongi. So who do you like more." He said to M/n.

I was shock at what jkmin just said I can't believe he just said that. I watch M/n who was blushing bright red.

"I....umm I don't really want it choose between you two." He said making Jimin look at him confused but he nod.

I smile at the two of them pull them both in the water. I smile as M/n look a bit angry but he laugh. Jimin smile at me and hug me. M/n pout and came to us hugging me too. Jimin and M/n look around trying to hide the blush. I laugh a bit at them and came up to both of them.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but you're both mine now." I said while kiss each one of them on the lips.

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