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A/n: this is part 2 please go read
Hold Me Tight.......

M/n pov.

Like in Hold Me Tight you have two people story. Well let's not hold you back now from reading........


Third pov.

Watching him from across the room you knew that he wouldn't be here anymore. He was working a job that he was force to have. Then it stress him out so much that now he smokes so much you can smell it on his breath. Nothing helps him because of how far he is in......

The way Namjoon was now he was mean and unfortunate, unforgivable.....he wasn't the man that we grew up with. He would sleep through us hanging out or ignore Yoongi while he was talking to him.

No one understood the loss both of them had after Hoseok......nothing would be the same for them..... After all why would it change.....

Namjoon again walking to the old gas station he work at.....where he pick up is smoking habit at....where he said fuck it.......

When he got to the place he would work for the minimum that he could make. The hardship or not having a place to stay no more and no one to help him out made him work double shifts. Just so he wouldn't have to walk home alone.

He hated being alone but Namjoon was a workaholic. Nothing could beat his job and soon we stop seeing him. His name was cross out and a three next to it.

Namjoon went to work that night thinking of the guys that he left behind. He couldn't go back now...... M/n wasn't there so what was the point. He couldn't face Seokjin anymore after what happen.... after all he blame him for everything.

A car pull up causing Namjoon to come out of his thoughts. He walk over to the car and pump gas like he always did. He didn't want to talk so he ignore the guy in the truck. Namjoon couldn't stop thinking of the warm summers he spent with everyone.

The truck drop some money on the floor and quickly left. Leaving the nasal to the gas pump to spill gas everywhere. Namjoon watch as it consume the money and pull out a cigarette and lit it. He took couple hits off of it and drop it. He quickly look up at the sky before everything was over.........

You were my Butterfly M/n...........


M/n pov.

I can't save them.......... tell me why I can't save them...... but in the end Namjoon I'm sorry.... please understand m.........



Third pov.

Watching Namjoon on the last day was hard for Yoongi. He lost Hoseok and slowly he was losing Namjoon. He didn't know what else to do....... but to stay out late and pick up disgusting smoking habit like Namjoon did. But Yoongi was different it wasn't the lost of something or anything. It was his mind that drove in mad.

Too many nights without sleep causes him to be violent towards the others. He would sit at the end of the couch and ignore everyone. He even punch Jungkook in the face before leaving.

"Fuck you all......" is the last thing they heard from him.

Yoongi stay in his small studio and smoke his life away. He hadn't slept in couple of days from insomnia that he had. He would play drunken songs for M/n if only he could hear them. Yoongi got up and grab his cigarettes.

"So much for the help guys." He laugh out and laid in the middle of the bed.

"I.....am sorry M/n...... please come back....." Yoongi said not noticing that his laugh turn to tears.

Soon Yoongi fell alseep on his bed..... the next morning, Yoongi woke up with a headache from drinking so much yesterday day. But it had gotten him to sleep. He smile at the thought of sleep. Something that he love some much gone like M/n was..........

He got up and went to the small closet then grab a container. Yoongi had it in his hand before nodding his head. If this is how it was going to be then he was happy with it. He spill the liquid around the room and laid in the middle of the bed.

Yoongi grab his lighter from his pocket and closed his eyes. He drag his tumble across the lighter before lighting it. The words seem to fall out as he let go.

I wish you said yes to Run away with me........


M/n pov.

I remember that day....... Seokjin and him got into a fight about something. Things got out of hand and they noth said things they weren't completely honest about.

I walk over to Yoongi to see how he was doing and he told me that we could have a great life together if I would run away with him.... I told him no because the others.....it wasn't fair for them... I love them too......

Even Seokjin......if wasn't all your fault.....

Next: Epilogue: Forever Young

A/n: that is the third part ^

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