Yoongi x Male Reader

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Request by 1-666-NIRVANA

M/n pov.

I never thought this is how my life would go. But here I am sitting on the side of the road trying to process what has happen. My poor baby won't ever be able to understand my feelings right now. I look down at my hand and watch as tears fell onto the palms of my hand.

I got up and walk back into the apartment that has been trashed and his things are gone. But what did I expect for him to be sitting on the couch trying to understand me.

I sat on the couch and took a deep sigh. There not much I can do now but relive my life in painful memories of us together. I just don't understand........we have take about having a kids before but when it happen..... he got away.

I could feel myself start to cry again hearing him yell at me that it was my fault but we both knew it was both us to make this baby. That he won't be able to have a career now..... I'm going to have to stop going to college to take care of you little one. But I would give you the world if you ask for it I silently told the little baby growing inside me.

~4 months later~

It's getting harder to find normal clothes to wear. I guess it time to go shopping for new clothes. I got up off the bed and when to the clothes. After looking for some bigger clothes I came across something. It was no other then one of his hoodies. I sadly smile look at the hoodie. Yeah I was hurt still who wouldn't but I can't stress myself out about it. Not with a little one on the way.

~5 months later~

Omg this baby can come at anytime....... I'm going to be a parent. I sigh again looking at the one picture that stay by the tv. I think it's time to forget about him. He is never coming back... I told myself. I took the picture and through it into the trash.

Goodbye Yoongi.......

~Year later~

My little baby boy turn one today. I smile down at my young son. He was playing with some toys in the sand while I try to finish some work for college that I started again.

As I look down at my laptop to type somethings on the paper I'm writing. I was so lost in the paper and watching s/n (Son's name) that I didn't notice someone walking up to me.

"M/n is that you?" I heard someone ask.

I look up at the person to see the one guy I have been waiting for months then I gave him up for my son.

"Oh Yoongi." I said not really trying to pay attention to him.

"It's nice to see you again.....is that him?" He ask look at S/n.

I nodded feeling some tears coming back to my eyes. He look S/n some more and smile at him.

"He looks like you......" I said as I tried to keep it together.

"He does......I'm so-....." he went to say but I cut him off.

"Don't say anything....." I told him.

He sat down next to me and grab my hand. I was nervous on how this was going to go.....

"I'm a shitty person.... I shouldn't have left.... I'm a shitty father already." He said slowly and squeeze my hand.

"Let me make it up please M/n..."

Was all he had to say to making me more then happy to let him try......

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