Sub!Jungkook x Dom!Male Reader

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Request by Hobi_Daydreams

M/n pov.

I sat on the bed look at the pretty flowers that sat in Jungkook's room. He might not look like it but he really is more feminine. I sigh looking at the desk seeing that he still had the flowers from their last date night out.

They look almost dead making them look out of place in the colorful room. I got up and went over to them. I softly touch one of the petals but once I did it fell off.

"Please don't ruin it M/n hyung." I heard from behind me.

I turn around to see Jungkook by his dresser. He had his back to me already starting to change. I'm guess he had a bad day. I walk up to him before he could put a shirt on and pull him to my chest.

"M/n...." he whisper out.

I didn't say anything but gently more his head to the side. I start to kiss the side of his neck letting him melt in my arms. He whine as I pull away from him and turn to face me.

"Your can't tease me like that M/n. Not today please." He said before placing a soft kiss on my lips.

I grab his waist and place him on the bed. He look up at me and frown as I went to get off of him.

"No please." He whine out again.

"Jungkook I didn't come here for this. I came by to see if you were okay because last night on the phone you sound sick." I explain myself for being here.

"Please M/n, I need you." He whisper to me.

I couldn't blame him for wanting something I mean I haven't seen him in awhile because of my schedule and his. I place myself in between his thighs and lean down. Jungkook turn his head so that I could get to his neck. I place small kiss along his neck but stop after feeling Jungkook thrust up against me.

I held down his hips and went back to kiss his neck a bit more. Ignoring his whines and pleading for me to let go. I growled lowly at him to stop and harshly kiss his lips.

"You don't make the rules baby. I do." I said to remind him who was in control.

Jungkook moan as my mouth travel down his body. He had his hands on mine trying to remove them from his waist but end up grabbing them to hold on to something. I quickly took off the shorts he had just put on. I throw them to the side and look down at his now nake body.

He didn't turn away from me like he does almost all the time. This time was different for the both of us. I left go of his hip and let him get up. Jungkook waste no time to unbutton my shirt. He slowly took it off and kiss my shoulder.

He let my shirt fall off to the side of the bed and let me undo my pants. He laid back down on his back and watch me take off my pants and boxers. I place myself back between his legs. I grab the lube that was in the top dresser and got some on my hand.

Jungkook quickly hung his arms around my neck bring me down to him so he could kiss me. I place myself at his hole and slowly push in not breaking the kiss. He moan into the kiss as I brush up against his prostate.

I pull away from him and watch him pant a bit from not having enough air. I lean down to his neck and place a small hickey there then pull out a bit and thrust back in him.

He moan as I pick up the speed a bit. I let him pull him self up to be against me. I move a bit to where he was now sitting him my lap. He moan as I grab his waist and push into harder. Jungkook scratch at my back as I pound into him.

He lean into my neck kissing and softly biting. I move my hands away from his hips only to wrap my arms around his body so that I pull him as close as I could.

He clench around me as I hit the spot he love. I knew he wouldn't last much longer. His moan became more louder as he came close to his climax.

"P-pl.eas......" Jungkook try to said but was cut off my his own moan.

I groan feeling myself getting close to coming. I thrust up faster and tighten my grip on his small body.

"I'-m....g-going to...... c-cum." Jungkoon moan out before biting down on my shoulder.

I was going insane as he clench tightly on to my member. It was so tight that I couldn't hold myself back anymore and cum inside if him. I watch him go limp in my arms from the pleasure he had. I pull out and laid Jungkook on the bed. I got up and put my boxers on.

I walk to his bathroom and grab a towel then made my way back to the bedroom. I quickly clean up Jungkook and put the towel off to the side. I climb back in bed with him. Jungkook move closer and laid on my chest.

"I love you." Jungkook whisper

"I love you too."


A/n: Here is my outcome of soft sex scene. It came out pretty bad....

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