Jungkook x Male Reader

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Request by (I lost your username I'm sorry)

A/n: I'm just going to do an angst one....... but thank you for the request

M/n pov.

I frown at the empty desk next to mine again. What had happen to him? I know he was sick last week but could he really still be sick or what. It kind of made me mad to think about it but really there isn't anything I can do about it. He is his own person like he tells me all the time.

"Hey M/n." I heard Jimin say as he stop in from of me.

"Oh hi Jimin." I said back looking around to see if Jungkook was somewhere there.

Maybe he skip class again or he just got in trouble or something.

"M/N!" Jimin yell trying to get my attention.

"Oh sorry." I said to him and left him behind.

If only he knows what I was thinking he would understand the worry I have. I might never see him again if I don't hurry. I almost yelp when I felt someone grab my from behind.

"I heard you were looking for me." He whisper into my ear.

I turn around and relax as it was Jungkook.

"Where were you?" I ask look at him.

"I was talking to the Hyungs for a bit." He explain.

I nodded and let him guide me to the lunch room. He sat down at a table where the rest of mine and his friends sat at. Soon I was sitting on his lap and laughing at Taehyung and Hoseok.

I smile and held his hand and play with his fingers. He grab my hand and told me to stop because I was distracting him from the conversation. But I think it was just bull about me playing with his wrist after he told me he didn't like it.


"M/n let's talk." He said.


I remember the day we sat on the beach after my parents die.


"It's over." He said walking away from me.


I remember the slow kiss we had when you were upset with the world. Or the time you broke your arm and I took care of you.


"I never love you"

One Shots!!!! (Bts x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now