Top!Male Reader x Bottom!Yoongi

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A/n: request by MaknaesSoul

M/n pov.

I clench my jaw watching Yoongi flirt with some of his members at lunch. He would place his hands on their shoulders or let his legs laid in their lap. He just pissing me off from this morning. He look over at me and roll his eyes.

"Is everyone ready to go?" Namjoon ask all of us.

Everyone nod and start to get up from the table and put themselves in teams to go around the mall with. I grab Yoongi's arm and watch the others leave waving at us.

"Ow that hurt." He said pouting at me.

"You are in some trouble baby boy." I growl at him.

He pout some more as I drag him into the bathroom. He watch me lock the door to the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" He ask.

I smirk a bit and lean him over the sink in the bathroom.

"Just some punishment while we are here." I said to answer his question.

He try to look back at me but I push his head down into the sink. I could see the frown on his face from the mirror. I dig into my pocket and pull it out.

"I don't have lube but I guess this will work." I said to him.

He went to say something but I push in the small toy into him. He gasp and grip the edge of the sink. I press my fingers deeper to make sure that it was press onto his prostate. He let out a small moan but I pull my fingers out of him.

"Now let's go." I told him.

He got up and walk to the door unlock it. I walk behind him as he walk slowly into a store where Taehyung and Hoseok where. He went up to them but right before he could get to them I press a button on my phone to start the vibration.

"G-uys." Yoongi try to say.

I smirk a bit and went over to them.

"What are you guys looking at?" I ask.

Hoseok went on about something I wasn't really paying much attention to him but to Yoongi who is trying to get Taehyung's attention. I press the button two more times and then watch him almost fall to his knees. He look over at me and gave me his needy look. He walk over to me and grab my arm.

"Pl-ease.....stop-p M/n." He said as he let out a small moan.

"Why should I?" I ask.

He didn't say anything more and stay next to me. He didn't let go of my arm the whole time we were in the store. Next Hoseok left going with Jimin and Jungkook. While Taehyung came with us.

"Yoongi are you okay?" Taehyung ask look over Yoongi.

"Why w-wouldn't I?" Yoongi ask.

"Cause I never see you cling to M/n before." He said.

Yoongi frown at him and cling onto me some more. I smile down at him knowing what he wanted. Taehyung point at Jin who was looking at some hoodies. We walk over to him and talk a bit.

"I'm going to go get something. Stay here Yoongi." I said to him.

He look up at me and nod his head. I walk off only to press the button one more time. I walk away and went into a store buying something. I walk back over to them and grab Yoongi's hand taking him away from the two. I lead us into a store and grab some clothes and got a dressing room. I push him inside of the room and made him turn around. He did as he was told.

"Look at you baby." I said to him as I turn his head to look in the mirror beside him. I press my fingers into him to get the tiny vibrater from inside of him. I grab the bag that was on the floor and get the toy that I brought. His eyes widen as he saw the toy.

"M/n please don't it's too big." He whine out to me.

I roll my eyes and put some lube that I brought on it. After I was pretty much sure that it was good I press it into Yoongi. He let out a moan as I push it into him. After I made sure it was in him good.

"This is punishment after all." I said to him.

He pull his pants up and walk out with me. I didn't start it up yet. I should wait till we are with the others.

We walk around a bit and then Jungkook ran up to us.

"Yoongi lookie." He said point to a store.

He pull Yoongi into the store and I follow them into the store. I smirk a bit and let my fingers press the button three times. Yoongi fell to his knees right in the middle of the store.

"Yoongi-hyung are you okay?" Jungkokk ask.

Yoongi nod his head and got up slowly. He walk back over to me and cling to my arm again.

"M/n it's to-o m-uch." He said to me.

I shrug my shoulders and let him hang onto me.

"M/n I'm going to cum." He whisper to me.

I nod my head telling him that it was okay. He whine a bit as he did.

"I...I want to go home." He whine out to me.

I pick up the whining boy and text Namjoon and Jin that me and Yoongi were going home. I didn't wait for the message back and took Yoongi to my car. He moan out loudly once I got in the car. I watch him pant and on his clothes to get them off.

"Baby boy don't do that." I said to him.

He whine at me and pull his pants down. I smirk at the needy baby knowing he might need some help when he got home.

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