Jungkook x Male Reader

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Request by ArianAfkar

M/n pov.

I sigh look at the cold food that sat on the table from last might again. I don't even know why I try to make him food anymore. He never eats it. I walk over to the couch to see that he was asleep there instead of sleeping with me in the bed. I walk back to the kitchen and to start some coffee.

After I was done with that I went to the bathroom to quickly shower. By the time I was done I notice that Jungkook was on the couch anymore. I walk back into the kitchen to see him drinking some coffee while leaning against the counter.

I learn from a time before no to touch him in the morning if I didn't want to yell at. It upset me that I couldn't say anything without being brought down by him. But He is killing himself by over working himself.

"Jungkook you look like you need more sleep." I said softly to him.

"Well there isn't anything I can do about it." He said blankly.

"Why not take a break for a bit?" I ask.

"Because I'm not as useless as you. At least I can work for what mine." He snap back and left the kitchen.

I knew I shouldn't said anything at all. I sat down at the table and finish my coffee. The words always took awhile to set in but when they did it became more believable then before.

I mean my own boyfriend thinks this of me so what do other people think then? I blink away some tears that force there way there and place my cup in the sink. I'll wash dishes later when I come back tonight.


When I walk through the door I saw Jungkook sitting on the couch in the dark. He was on his phone look at his social media I think. He turn to me and shook his head. He got off the couch and throw his phone on the side of the couch. He came over to me and look me over.

"Where have you been?" He ask.

"At work....." I try to say.

"Oh really now finally took my word on getting a job and not being lazy anymore. But that's not the point here." He said angrily.

"Then what is?" I ask.

"You can never do anything M/n. All I want is for you to be home at a reasonable time. And I come home with no you and I call you! Only to have you no answer you phone!" He yell at me.

"I'm sor-..." I went to say but he grab my face before I could say anything.

"Don"t even start with the sorry shit. Just go sit down and don't move for the rest of the night. Even better don't talk while you are at it because I don't need to hear the bullshit that comes out of your mouth!" He yell again at me.

When he let go I quickly got away from him and sat down on the couch. He ran his hand through his hair and walk away from me. I cry a little but stop when I saw him again.

I don't know how much longer I can do through this again before I'll be able to leave him myself. I just hope when the time comes I'll be stronger to do it then now.

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