Bts x Male Reader (?Angst/Fluff?)

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A/n: request by DIAMONDTEARSTT


Third pov.

Everyone look around to make sure that everything was perfect to welcome back M/n from being gone for so long.

"Jungkook did you get the balloons." Jin yell fron the kitchen.

Jungkook ran into the living room counting ever balloon.

"Yeah." He answer back to him.

Namjoon was trying to get the letters to stay to the wall but after he got one up the other beside of it would fall off. Jimin decided that he was done watching Namjoon fail with letters and help him knowing that they were running out of time before M/n will land in Korea.

Taehyung set the table while Yoongi help Jin with the food. Hoseok was so excited that he really didn't know what to do so he made sure that he would go through the living room making sure that it was kind of clean.

Hoseok look at the time and smile.

"I'm going to go wait for M/n." He said to them.

They nod or answer while he ran out of the dorm and to the car. He hurry to the airport and made sure he look nice before getting out. He got out of the car and made his way inside to see some other people waiting at the same gate that M/n was go ik mv to come out of. He wait and wait soon some people were asking where they were and soon a employee with a sad look on their face came to them.

"I'm so sorry for all of you but plane 202 has crash.... and there are no survivors." She said almost crying now.

Hoseok stop and stare at her with wide eyes. He pull his phone out and pull up the news on his phone. Sure enough there was the plane crash and no survivors. He stare at the phone and went to the car. He didn't believe it....he call M/n the night before and everything was fine and now to think that he was gone.

It just wasn't right. Hoseok drove to the dorm again with so much disbelief in him. He was sure that M/n us going to come back. Maybe he at the dorm already. Hoseok made it back to the dorm and went inside. The rest of boys look at him as he enter. But they stop when they didn't see M/n with him.

"Where is M/n?" Jin ask looking at Hoseok.

They knew something was wrong with Hoseok cause he just stare in space and was crying. Jungkook sat next to his hyung and held his hand trying to get his attention.

"He is gone." Is all Hoseok said.

The others look kind of confuse at this. Namjoon frown his eyebrows and grab his phone. He hope what Hoseok said wasn't true but sure enough there it was. Namjoon face pale and he drop his phone.

"No." Is all Namjoon said.

Jin pick the phone up and throw it down again. He went to his rooms and cry while the younger ones start to pick up on what was going on. They cry while Yoongi stare at the phone that fell next to him. How could this happen? This wasn't true.

~{week later}~

The boys didn't move from their bed. They didn't eat or do anything. They just didn't know how to get over something like this. That he will never come back made it even harder for some members to accept it.

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