Dom!male reader x Sub Hoseok 1

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This was a rp I did with someone so yeah enjoy it please........
Me=normal text
Them=this text

M/n walk down the hall with a cigarette in hand not caring about the people around him. He was done with all the people that tell him how he should live or act.

uH Hoseok walks through the halls with his phone in his hand, not looking at where he was going because he was watching MarKiPlieR and then bumps into ThE sChOoLs BaD bOy M/n

M/n look down at the boy that fell. He roll his eyes and squat down next to him almost over the boy. He look up in the boy's face and put his cigarette out on the floor. "Watch where you are going......." M/n said in a dark tone...... He got up and walk away from scene which the boy still on the floor.

"Dxbhdhdhxhxhdjxdhdjjxhcjdhdieifndidnfjfjfdjjddh HoT." Hoseok sAyS iN hIs HeAd StAnDiNg uP aNd GoIng To HiS lOcKEr??

M/n walk into bathroom and jump up onto the sink. He lean his head back and close his eyes. He was stress a bit and need to just close his eyes.....

uhh Hoseok goes to the bathroom because he needs to take a waz

M/n hear the door open but kept his eyes closed. If the person was smart then they would leave before he woke up. But if they didn't then he would have his fun.

//I'm just gonna timeskip because yeah||
Hoseok goes to wash his hand and sees M/n "boi what the heck are you doing?" He says putting his 3dS iN hIs BaCkPaCk

M/n heard the noise and groan a bit. They were so annoying.....he open his eyes and look at the the boy. He was surprise that it was boy from the hallway. He got off the sink and stood there. He pull out his phone and text the person he hook up with all the time. He need a release his angry.....

"RuDe, I thought we were friends." Hoseok says washing his hands

" want to be friends...." M/n ask watching the boy. M/n put his phone down and waited for the boy to answer him.

"Yeah, I mean who wouldn't wanna be friends with you? Your so cool and you seem like a PrO gAMeR." Hoseok says drying his hands and smiling at M/n. |tehe|

M/n shook his head and thought of an idea. He walk behind the boy and pin him to the sink. "If you are my friend then there are something's that you need to learn." M/n lean in and whisper into his ear.......//the man likes to play games.....

"Um okay I guess." Hoseok says, feeling uncomfortable

M/n smirk and move back. "You wouldn't last a day...." M/n laugh to him. "You're just one of the good boys who mostly do as they told." M/n said to him while turning away from him.

";-; wow im so offended and scared, im totally gonna do whatever you ask me to DaDdY wow ;-;." Hoseok says taking out his 3DS again playing Animal Crossing.

"Whatever you say princess." M/n said while look at his phone again. He didn't want to seem interested but he was a little. This was something different for him.

"I'm not your toy M/n , you can't just expect me to do whatever you want, I'm not like the rest of your bitches so don't treat me like one." Hoseok says, lightly shoving M/n.

"Shove me again and see what's going to happen." M/n threaten. But he knew that the boy was right but he didn't care. "Why are you so concern on what you are to me." M/n ask....

"Because I've liked you for such a long time and honestly I'm starting to regret it, your just a player." Hoseok says walking out of the bathroom ;-;

M/n grab the back of the boys shirt and push him against the wall. "You think you can tame me....control me. You don't know can't change who I am." M/n said to him looking into his eyes......

A shout out to 1-666-NIRVANA
For role playing with me......this isn't all but who knows what I'll post next :)

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