Jungkook x Male Reader

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M/n pov.

I frown a bit while looking at Jungkook with his new "girlfriend". I know it's to show me that he is1 not gay after I told him that I love him more then a friend. I continue to listen about how they met and how exciting it was to be ask out. I mean I wouldn't know because the one I love is there in front if me with so stupid girl.

"M/n." I heard my name and look up.

Jin was standing in front of me with a smile.

"Yeah?" I ask trying to give him my attention.

"You want to go get food with me?" He ask while playing with his fingers.

I nod my head and got up. I look back at the table to find that Yoongi was the only one watching us leave. Weird.... Jin stop and got millions of things to eat. Going back and forth over what he want to eat.

"I find it sad that Jungkook is growing up so fast." He said in a playful sad tone.

I gave a small smile and laugh with him. He pay for his food and went back to the table. We sat down and it's almost I forgotten about Jungkook and everything. Soon between Jin and Taehyung they made me laugh. Taehyung pull me into his lap and squeeze me.

"Ow Taehyung." I whine out.

He gave me a sorry smile and let go.

"Ew." I heard that stupid girl mumble.

I had a great plan. I lean back into Taehyung's neck and softly pretend to sleep. I could see that Taehyung's face went red and the other 5 boys flashes from their phone. Taehyung wrap his arms around me and held he close to make it more comfortable for me.

"Omg I ship it." I could hear Jin saying.

"Come on babe let's leave these fags alone." She hiss at us.

(A/n: I hate the word......... I'm disappointed in myself)

The group was surprise at what she just had said and Jungkook frown at the word.

"Is there problem with it?" Namjoon ask.

"I mean it's disgusting." She said back so simply.

"I'm sorry to tell you this but all of us but Jungkook are gay." Yoongi said getting up and walking in front of her.

"Listen Jungkook I would get your nasty girlfriend put of here now." Jimin said after pulling Yoongi to sit back down.

Taehyung had half ass cover my ears but I could hear everything.

"Ugh guys stop." Jungkook said while walking away.

It broke my heart that he is taking too far. I continue to laid in Taehyung's necks and before I knew it Taehyung had taken me to the roof.

"I knew you were awake." He whisper.

"...okay.." I said to him.

"Do you love him?" He ask.


"Then I'm sorry about him."

"Don't be."


"After all this is just the beginning."


A/n: just the beginning of the angst

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