Namjoon x Male Reader (x Hoseok??)

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M/n pov.

The days seem to move very quickly...... but I guess that happens when your boyfriend moves across the world from you. I don't see him or talk him anymore. He use to text and call me all the time...

But now he doesn't even try. I try but every time I did he ignored me. I sigh and sat down on the couch. I just miss him so much.

"M/n are you okay?" Hoseok ask as he sat down next to me.

"I don't really know..... what could he be doing to make me like this...... I just want him at least talk to me." I said.

"What if he....move on..." Hoseok said quietly.

I got up and went straight to my room. I could hear him follow me. I slam the door in his face and locked it. I knew he was mostly likely was but I didn't want to think it. He told me that he wouldn't

But then again here I am..... he really did it didn't he? I heard the door unlocked and Hoseok came in and hug me.

"Don't worry it will be fine.... I promise. After all I'll be with you forever.." Hoseok said while holding me.

Why couldn't I love someone like Hoseok then Namjoon........

Please let me love again.......

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