I'm done

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A/n: I really thought that I wouldn't have to make another one of these but here we are.

Over the last week an half I'm still getting massage sent to me.... about how disgusting I am with what I write. I'm no longer upset with these comments but more annoy with them. They stop for couple weeks then start up again which makes it hard for me to even get on the app.

I'm just here to let everyone know if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say it at all. Just click off and stop spamming me with stupid hate comments about the same thing again.

I don't care what you thing of me. Just have some respect because I'm a person just like you are....

(I not putting the proof here but if you want to see it... it's in my other one shot book...
Sorry I just don't want to keep uploading it because my WiFi sucks)

One Shots!!!! (Bts x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now