Taehyung x Male Reader x Yoongi

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Request by apersonthatneedshelp


M/n pov.

I sigh as I walk into the room. Today's work was hard..... I laid down on my bed and close my eyes. I wonder what Taehyung is doing... he wasn't there in class today. I pull out my phone and dial his number. It ring and ring till it we t to voice mail. I call again think that maybe he was doing something. Again it ring and ring. Ugh what the hell is wrong with him today?


Hey you okay?
Sent at 4:04 p.m

Yeah I'm fine
Sent st 6:07 p.m

Where were you in class today

I was doing something so
don't worry about it.

Okay whatever Taehyung

Ugh you always do this M/n

Well maybe it would be nice if you
remember the date you sat up


I'm going to bed


I throw my phone onto the floor not caring about it and just laid there. How could he forget all the time? I close my eyes and let sleep take me over.

When I woke up in the morning I got up and got ready for today's classes. After I was dress and everything I pick my phone off the floor and saw no new text messages from anyone. Wow he really doesn't care.

I grab couple of my things and left my room. I walk down the hall ignoring Taehyung who was standing outside his friends dorm at the end of the hallway. He didn't stop me or anything.

"M/n!." I heard someone say.

"Yeah?" I ask turning around to see Yoongi.

"Hey there this new pizza place down town.... do you want to go with me for lunch?" He ask looking around.

"Sure that would be nice." I said to him with a smile.

He smile at me and nod his head. I guess he is happy today because he rarely smiles. I frown as my thoughts turn back to Taehyung and how he was acting. What an asshole, I said to myself.

It was about lunch time and Yoongi was standing by the gates waiting for me. I saw Taehyung in the hallway and he try to talk to me but I ignore him. But that doesn't matter I should try an be happy so that I have good time with Yoongi.

I walk beside him as he talk about some music he was working on and so on. Finally we made it to the pizza place that he was talking about and walking to find a table. We sat down and Yoongi sadly smile at me.

"What is it?" I ask him

"Umm... I..." He try to say it couldn't.

I turn around to see what he was looking at and there no other then Taehyung himself. But that's it all he was doing. He had someone push up against the wall by the bathrooms and was making out with them. I took a deep breath and got up.

"Stay here Yoongi." I said to him as I start over to them.

When I got there I saw that it was no mistake at all.

"So this why you "forget" or "you were busy"". I said to him.

"Fuck." He said under his breath and turn to me.

I stood there trying to hold back the tears in my eyes. I didn't want to show him how much he hurt me.

"I never want to see you." I said to him.

"M/n, list-" He went to say but I stop him.

"I'm leaving." I told him quickly and wall back over to yoongi grabbing my stuff.

Taehyung walk over to me and grab my hand.

"So you were with him then." Taehyung said angrily.

"What's your point Taehyung." I said ignoring him and trying to pull my arm away.

"You're with him alone." He said to me.

"I have never cheated on you Taehyung. Yoongi ask me if we could go here for lunch and also I ask Jin to come too." I said to him.

He back away from me and I could keep it in anymore. I felt tears start to fall as I walk out the pizza place. Today sucks more then I thought. I walk alone on the road thinking over and over again how much time I waste on him. I didn't notice that Yoongi follow me till he pull me from walking into the street that had a big puddle.

"M/n let's go back the dorms okay." He said to.

I answer with a nod and follow him back the dorm rooms. He stop at mine and I put in the code. He came in and I sat down on the couch I had. He sat beside me and grab my hand trying to get my attention.

"M/n I know this isn't the right time but I have something to say to you." He said.

"What is it?" I ask him.

"I really like you.... but I know this happening and every-" He said fast but I stop him.

"Yoongi please give me sometime." I said in a sad tone.

"I understand and I'll wait for you to be ready. I'll help you through this M/n" He said.

"Then wait for me and I'll give you the chance when I'm ready." I said back to him.

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