Dom!Jungkook x Sub!Male Reader

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Request by Hershey_Maknae

Third pov.

Jungkook sat on the couch watching him talk and laugh along with the others. He knew that he couldn't just get up and claim him as his. He just couldn't not after promising Seokjin that he would be on his nest behavior.

But his inner side was threatening him also kill him for the inside. He want out, out of this, out of this room. Jungkook finally got up and slowly walk out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Seokjin ask.

Jungkook didn't answer him and left the room. He sat on the edge of his bed and groan at the thought of M/n and what he was doing. It upset him but at the same time made him excited to punish him later on tonight. He would be in for a surprise.


M/n pov.

Spending time with Taehyung about the new glass I had gotten and some of the new drawing I did made me not notice Jungkook left the room. It wasn't till I look around for him that he was gone.

"Hey has anyone seen Jungkook?" I ask.

"Yeah he went to his room." Jin said.

I nodded my head and slowly made my way down the hallway to his room. I went into his room to see him on his bed with his hand down his pants. His groans fill the air and the room was warmer then before.

"Get. Over. Here. Now." He growled out.

He sat up and grab my waist pulling me onto the bed. He pin my hands above my head and handcuffed them to the headboard. Soft moans left my mouth as he bite down on my neck making purple bruise. His hand went into my pants and roughly rub my member.

"J-ungkook stop the.....ot-hers are h-ere." I try to say.

He didn't say anything but he continue to do what he was doing. He rip my shirt off my body and yank my pants down and off.

"I never said to talk pet." He said in a harsh tone.

"I bet you like the way he touch your waist as you talk to him." He growled at me.

I then thought back to what Taehyung was doing. That stupid bastard was doing it on purpose. Omg he dis this to make Jungkook mad at me.

"Please Jungkook it wasn't like that." I whine out to get his attention.

It didn't really work because he roughly trust into me without any warning. I moan out feeling him hit that spot everytime he thrust into me.....


A/n: okay I'm done but I made it this far. Thank you for the request.

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