🔞Bts X Male Reader 5 🔞

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A/n: warning post

M/n pov.

When I open my eyes I was still in the room. I groan as I tried to sit up. I cut my hand not paying attention to the broken glass around me. I stood up and look around trying to find somewhere to step that didn't have glass around me.

"Ah I see your up now." I heard Hoseok say from across the room.

I flinched and try to stay close to the mirror. He stood up and walk over to me. I look down watching his feet come closer and closer till he was in front of me.

"He would be wanting you now...... but you can't leave yet....... I won't let you till I'm done." He said pinning me to the mirror.

"I'm going to make you wish you never came to my room......" he said with a sick smile.

I let him get closer to where I was now push to the floor. The cold floor kept me in place as he look up in the glass. He push his hand in his pocket and was about to grab something but I push him into the broken glass and ran to the door. I push it open and slam my body against the door. I felt it lock but he was banging up against the door while yelling at me to come back.

I turn to face the door watching the door shake as he slam around to get out. I let out a sigh but soon someone place a hand over my mouth and drag me into another room. I look at the door and notice that it was orange. The room was pure white and bright. I was throw over to the other side of the wall.

"You know you can't escape....." I heard from him.

I was kind of weak from the other room. I tried to get up but he kick me straight in the stomach. He grab my hair and notice the blood from earlier.

He laughs and let go only to grab my face and wipe the blood onto my face. He smile looking almost innocent as he look me over. He walk away and laid down on a chair. He look over at me and watch me. I looked around see that the orange door was the only color in the room.

"I like the pure white but you seem to be ruining it..." he said kind of mad.

I look down at my hand and notice that it was bleeding a bit onto the floor. He got up and went over to me. He slam his hand onto the wall next to my head.

He move his hand and slip his arms around me picking me up. He carry me over to the chair and laid with me. He look at me and held my face as I look back at him. He was a lot more softer then everyone else. I felt my eye start to closes from the blood lost.

"You'll leaving me now aren't you?" He ask.

I notice tears start to form in his eyes as he look me over.


"Shhh it okay....... you can leave me now..."


A/n: finding love isn't why your here

But sometimes it can't be helped

Let go and try to understand what happening...

After all the stalker isn't too happy right now!

One Shots!!!! (Bts x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now