Bottom!Seokjin x Top!Male Reader

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Request by @UrMomTight

M/n pov.

I look at the broad to see group pairs on there. I pray that I didn't get one of the kids that didn't do their work.

I follow each name then notice mine. I took a deep breath and look Namjoon. Oh that's good..... I sat down in my seat and watch everyone else do their thing before class started. Once the teacher walked in everyone sat down and listen to them.

"Now you know your pairs. This project will be about yourselves which means your partner. You will both learn about each other then write a super long essay about it then turn it in my the end of the two weeks." They said while everyone was moving to sit next to there partner. Namjoon came over and sat down beside me. He look behind him and roll his eyes. I follow his eyes to the person and notice that it was Seokjin. He was saying something to Namjoon but he ignore it and turn forward. Why is Jin-hyung so upset for?

After class was over, I got up and leave and found Seokjin standing by the door.

"Good afternoon." I told him and he nod.

I was out noticing that he didn't say anything to me. I felt a bit hurt at this but I shouldn't let it get to. I sigh and went on for the rest of the day.

The next day at school Seokjin didn't even look at me. He didn't talk to me or anything. I felt really hurt.....I thought he was my friend and now look at him. I sat alone during lunch not wanting Seokjin to miss out on his friends.

In class I continue my project with Namjoon. He was silently writing about what I gave him. Which left me alone thinking. Seokjin never leaves my side at lunch so what happen? I turn around slightly and look at him. He didn't look up at me or even look my way. I frown and felt a bit sad as the class continue.

Namjoon sigh at the end of class and look at Seokjin. He shook his head then turn to me.

"Play along." He said with a small whisper.

"Soooo M/n how about you come over tonight?" Namjoon ask while placing a hand on waist.

I gave him a look but I nodded thinking that maybe it was for the project I don't know..... they all confuse me so much. He smile and his hand slip a bit onto my thigh.

" and M/n have something after school." Seokjin said grab me and pulling me away from Namjoon.

Namjoon nodded and left us alone. Seokjin watch him leave then turn to me.

"How could you let him do that?" He ask.

I shrugged not really understanding myself what happen. Seokjin roll his eyes and pull me out of the class.

"I'll be ready by six then you can come and get me." He said with a small smile.

I was about to ask but shut up with quick kiss and he left me stand in the hallway with a red face....

A/n: I'm sorry it's taking so long :(

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